Lena Papaligoura – Ioanna Pappa: The friendship that became kinship and the same looks

by time news

One complements the other and their friendship was “sealed”, when two brothers got married.

Who would have told Lena Papaligoura and Ioanna Pappa when they worked together in “Three Sisters”, that they would become best friends and marry two brothers. Lena Papaligoura as Akis Pantos and Ioanna Pappa as Konstantinos Pantos.

From “Papakaliatiko bleximo” to “Patera” Ioanna Pappa was never exposed for the wrong reasons

The two actresses have been friends for 12 years, while as Lena Papaligoura revealed, she was fanatically watching Christoforos Papakaliatis’ series, Close Your Eyes, in which Ioanna Pappa starred.

One admires the other and one complements the other, like the ying yang. The two appeared on Eleni Menegaki’s show at noon on Thursday, April 18, and talked about the friendship that eventually developed into kinship.

As Ioanna Pappa said, what she admires about Lena Papaligoura is her patience, while what Lena Papaligoura admires about Ioanna Pappa is how good an actress she is, but also the fact that she always has something wise to say when they talk.

Ioanna Pappa was the reason why Lena Papaligoura met her husband, since as she said: “There was sympathy on both sides and I just tried not to lose that.”

As Lena Papaligoura also said in Studio 4, Ioanna Pappa is not only her fiancee and best friend, but also her maid of honor.

Ioanna Pappa married us, she is my maid of honor and my bride. Ioanna and luck made us meet. Kostas, his brother Akis and himself came to see Ioanna in the show “The Three Sisters” and we played together and that’s how we met.

In the life of Lena Papaligoura, her two sons are the main protagonists

Lena Papaligoura and Ioanna Pappa have never fought and are not afraid to talk to each other about their men even though they are brothers. They do exactly what two buddies would do.

In recent years, the two women have more obligations, since in addition to the artistic ones, they have both become mothers. Lena Papaligoura has two sons, 6-year-old Anastasis and 4-year-old Antonis, while Ioanna Pappa has – also – 5-year-old Antonis.

Still, they make sure to meet often enough to keep in touch, whether that means giving a quick update while taking their boys to soccer or arranging to go out with their men.

Almost identical outfits are their thing

As you will see from the video above, Lena Papaligoura and Ioanna Pappa appeared with the same style and almost the same outfit. Lena Papaligoura chose a total white office look with trousers, while Ioanna Pappa combined her – also – white shirt with black trousers.

Although one would say that this appearance of theirs was perhaps a coincidence, after all the two women seem to make sure to dress similarly when they have an appearance together.

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