Leonardo DiCaprio Faces Real Spanks from Robert De Niro in ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’ Scene

by time news

Title: Leonardo DiCaprio Endured Real Spanks from Robert De Niro on the Set of “Killers of the Flower Moon”

Subtitle: Star’s extreme dedication to his craft showcased in latest Scorsese collaboration

Date: [Insert Date]

Leonardo DiCaprio’s commitment to his performances is well-known, but his latest project with renowned filmmaker Martin Scorsese, “Killers of the Flower Moon,” takes it to a whole new level. Not only did DiCaprio give his all to enhance his own performance, but he also went above and beyond to elevate his co-star Robert De Niro’s acting prowess, even if it meant enduring painful spanks during filming.

In an interview with Rodrigo Pietro, the cinematographer for “Killers of the Flower Moon,” it was revealed that during one scene, DiCaprio received real hits to his behind from De Niro’s paddle. Despite wearing cushioned pads to lessen the impact, the blows still caused discomfort and had to be repeated multiple times to capture the desired shot.

This is not the first time DiCaprio has pushed himself to the extreme for a role. From enduring freezing temperatures and consuming raw meat in “The Revenant” to his latest ordeal in “Killers of the Flower Moon,” the actor has a reputation for going above and beyond expectations.

When asked about the scene, DiCaprio expressed his willingness to endure physical pain for his craft, stating, “Leo is game for so much, he’ll do anything.” This further emphasizes his dedication to his craft and his willingness to push past his limits.

“Killers of the Flower Moon” sees Scorsese moving away from his usual mafia and crime narratives while staying true to the true crime genre. The film is set in 1920s Oklahoma and tells the gripping story of the murders of members of the Osage tribe, who had discovered valuable crude oil reserves under their land. As the killings escalate, the FBI steps in to restore order and bring the culprits to justice.

With DiCaprio’s commitment combined with Scorsese’s direction, “Killers of the Flower Moon” promises to be an enthralling cinematic experience. The film is currently showing in cinemas, offering audiences a glimpse into the extraordinary lengths actors like DiCaprio are willing to go for their art.

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