Les Bleues overthrow Colombia for the debut of Hervé Renard

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The French women’s team won 5-2 against Colombia in a friendly for the debut of new coach Hervé Renard on Friday in Clermont-Ferrand. The match was marked by the winning return of Eugénie Le Sommer, who had been dismissed by the former coach, Corinne Deacon.

Worrying then overexcited. The French women’s team of Hervé Renard made a success of its debut by overthrowing Colombia (5-2), Friday April 7, in a friendly in Clermont-Ferrand. And this thanks to the double of the returning Eugénie Le Sommer and the choices of her new coach.

Doctor Fox has not yet cured all blue ailments. But he was able to find the resources to obtain his first victory at the helm of the selection, which launches the preparation for the World Cup-2023 (July 20-August 20).

Three goals in eight minutes, including a double from Eugénie Le Sommer just before the hour mark (56e60e), allowed the French coach to finally breathe, after a catastrophic first period and two Colombian goals which occurred on two identical sequences, free kicks following avoidable faults by captain Wendie Renard (38e52e).

“We will have to be much more solid”

The path to world title this summer in Australia and New Zealand, the assumed dream of French football, remains as tortuous as ever after this two-faced introduction. But the Habs had the merit of tipping the scales in the right direction, thanks to an exciting second period.

“Everything will not be perfect, I know, we are not magicians. We are already at a very good level but we will have to be much more solid because the World Cup is something else”, reacted Hervé Renard after the meeting, happy to have garnered “good lessons”.

The “Blond Wizard” is definitely the half-time man, like his memorable words when he led Saudi Arabia against Argentina (2-1) at the Qatari World Cup this winter.

His speech in the locker room at the Gabriel-Montpied stadium on Friday has not yet leaked but it had the desired effect on his troops, transfigured on their return to the field.

By making three substitutions after 45 minutes of play, the new coach was also right, since two entrants were decisive, with a double (52e73e) and an assist for Delphine Cascarino, as well as a goal (90e+1) and an assist for Grace Geyoro.

Given their sensational debut, these two are likely to start on Tuesday (9:10 p.m.) during the shock against the Canadian Olympic champions at Le Mans.

>> To read also: Bleues: ambitions, staff and feedback… The six lessons learned from Hervé Renard’s debut

Hervé Renard’s success also depends on the winning return of Eugénie Le Sommer. Barred by former coach Corinne Deacon for two years, the Lyonnaise was established from the start and it was she who revived France, with an express double to which the French coach reacted with a kiss on the head of the striker.

With 88 goals in 176 selections, the 33-year-old striker stretches her record of goals in selection and risks keeping a smile for a few more days…

Amel Majri, the other returnee (injury then pregnancy), for her part scored much fewer points.

A good forty minutes against the modest 26e world nation will not be enough, however, to erase the unprecedented crisis of recent weeks, which had led to the departure of Deacon on March 9 after a rebellion by several executives.

A defense to beef up

Hervé Renard, who already had no more voice at half-time, knows that his team is not cured, the inaccuracies of the start of the match prove it.

This is particularly the case of his defensive sector: Wendie Renard, central figure of the recent rebellion who had warned that she would “assume” her choices, for example was completely overwhelmed by Mayra Ramirez.

Elisa De Almeida and Eve Périsset, for their part, were completely bewitched by the “nugget” of Real Madrid Linda Caicedo, 18 years old and the only star in the Colombian workforce.

The reaction of pride has all the same made it possible to prolong the general euphoria which reigned in recent days in the locker room. An enthusiasm that also spread to the stands, with the arrival of the entire staff of Olympique Lyonnais, from President Jean-Michel Aulas to trainer Sonia Bompastor via former captain Amandine Henry, currently injured.

Seeing the latter at the bedside of Les Bleues, from which she had been excluded under Corinne Deacon since the end of 2020, is a strong sign for the World Cup.

With AFP

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