Less than half a million disposable utensils a year: Afternoons move to multiple times

by time news

After a successful pilot, the ‘Sustainability in a Schoolbag’ project will be extended to all school lunches in Kfar Saba. Each child will receive dishes that are suitable for serving hot food and cleaning in the dishwasher

Posted on: 10.3.22 08:19

Thinking about the environment: The Kfar Saba Municipality is expanding the ‘Sustainability in Schoolbag’ project to all school lunches in the city. As part of the project, daycare children will be fed with reusable utensils and the use of disposable utensils will be stopped immediately.
The project was launched about a year and a half ago in two schools in the city – Remez and Shimon Peres. ‘Sustainability in a schoolbag’ was a success and a number of after-school programs were held in the city for the use of reusable utensils in serving lunch. The aim of the project is to exclude the use of disposable utensils from all daycare centers. The coordinators of the educational staff, in cooperation with the municipal parent leadership, purchased for each girl and boy a food plate with a lid and hard cutlery that meet all the strict standards and are suitable for serving hot food and cleaning in the dishwasher. The distribution of school lunches began this week and will continue throughout next week.

Reusable utensils for the kindergartens in Kfar Saba and Rafi Saar in a meeting with kindergarten children, photo by the municipality’s spokesperson

To support the move, in the near future, daycare instructors for children will hold classes on the environment, the importance of recycling and the damage that plastic causes to the environment. In order for the assimilation to be successful, everything will be done in cooperation with the parents, who will help the girls and boys every day to wash the box and cutlery and send them clean the next day. According to the municipality, the expansion of the project to all school lunches will lead to the cessation of the use of 550,000 units of disposable utensils a year, to financial savings considering raising the government tax on disposable utensils and also to maintaining children’s health. This initiative joins the project to convert all kindergartens, which was implemented several years ago in the city, to use reusable utensils in food serving utensils and diners’ utensils.

At the same time, the municipal parent leadership noted that it had already asked two years ago to promote the use of reusable tools and together with the Society for Culture took care to hold a pilot that was stopped with the outbreak of the corona crisis. “In recent months we have demanded to promote the issue again, as the amount of plastic in disposable utensils is destructive to the planet and we must make a change and change our habits as a society. We believe that an adjustment period will be needed “One-time. We thank all the parents who helped us advance this issue,” the leadership said.

Sagi Hayun, director of the municipality’s supplementary education department, said: “We are committed to educating our children, in practice, on sustainability values ​​to reduce environmental pollution. We are proud to tell about the abandonment of the use of disposable utensils in city daycare “It will pay off in the long run. The transition to reusable tableware has begun with the cooperation of the staff and parents and is in full swing. The distribution will end in the coming days, and I hope that more bodies in the city will join us in the new policy.”

Mayor Rafi Saar, who joined the distribution at Leah Goldberg School yesterday, said: “Sustainable use of food is another step towards realizing the vision of the Green City to which we are committed. “If everyone makes a small effort, we can solve a very big problem.”

The holder of the sustainability portfolio at the municipality, Ilai Harsgor-Handin: “Kfar Saba continues to break through in the fields of environment and sustainability, and will soon adopt the transition to reusable utensils. “

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