“Let me move”: IDF soldiers blocked Rabbi David Dudkevich

by time news
The IDF blocks Rabbi DudkevichCourtesy of the photographer

Residents of the Gev Hahar settlements report that in recent weeks a new procedure has been implemented in the Samaria Division, according to which during any demonstration held by residents in protest of the Arab terrorism in the area, the road will also be blocked for Jewish traffic.

The procedure known as the “black finger” has been used by the IDF at least four times over the past few weeks, most of them on the Gilead road, with each time the regular ritual repeating: a series of attacks occur on the road, residents go out to demonstrate and IDF soldiers block the road to Jewish traffic as well – as they clarify to the demonstrators that this is happening because of them, and will continue as long as the demonstrations continue.

According to the residents, the soldiers who manned the checkpoint also said that they did not understand the reason for the order imposed on them, and admitted that it seemed extremely puzzling. The soldiers added and said that the order was given by the new Samaria Brigadier General Shimon Siso.

Last weekend, the rabbi of Yitzhar, Rabbi David Dudkevich, was also recorded hurling harsh words at the IDF soldiers who blocked his car following a demonstration on Gilead Road. “Let me pass, let me move. When Jews make a demonstration, the general chooses to punish them. I’m not ready for you to punish us. I live here 40 years before you. Either you move or I’ll have to fight. I will fight with you because this is an issue of our lives,” the rabbi was heard saying to the officer who blocked the residents’ movement.

This provoked sharp criticism among the residents of the area who every few days had to stand at the checkpoint for a long hour on their way back home from work or school: “This is simply a dictatorial attempt to eradicate a legitimate and just protest”, attacked Uri Kirshenbaum, a resident of Yitzhar who was detained at the checkpoint for a long hour. “Instead of dealing decisively with terrorism, the new sector brigade chooses to act specifically against the Jewish residents who came out to protest and cry out about their wasted lives and the driving on the roads that has turned into Russian roulette.”

“Roi Zweig, the former sector general, would close shops in Hawara after stone attacks, and take a series of drastic actions against terrorism. The new Brigadier General, Shimon Siso, directs all his energy and strength against the residents instead of against the terrorists who are trying to murder us again and again,” Kirschenbaum attacked.

The IDF spokesman’s response: In cases where there is an operational need to temporarily prevent traffic on a certain route in order to preserve the lives of residents and to prevent friction in the area, barriers are erected for a short time according to the assessment of the situation and operational considerations. If the procedure is activated, entry is prohibited for Palestinian and Israeli citizens who are in the area and entry is allowed only for the security forces.”

Military officials stated that the barriers are being implemented for a short time in order to restore order in the area and not for a few hours.

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