Let’s exercise together! Nintendo’s new game “Nintendo Switch Sports” is on the market, and 6 sports and gameplay are fully analyzed! | GQ Taiwan

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During the three-level alert last year, many people bought Nintendo Switch and “Ring Fitness Adventure” to go through a long and difficult period of being unable to go out. The recent resurgence of the epidemic has caused many people to start the home epidemic prevention mode again. Now is the time to start new sports games!

The new work “Nintendo Switch Sports” in the “Wii Sports” series, which led the trend of new sports at home many years ago, is officially on sale today. It includes a total of 6 sports games, including tennis, bowling, Fencing, as well as the newly added volleyball, badminton and football, will open golf courses this fall. Players can enjoy the same excitement and enjoyment of outdoor sports at home without having to go out to find a golf course or a golf partner.


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All “Nintendo Switch Sports” games recommend using the Joy-Con wristband to operate the character’s movements, and make sure that there is enough space for “swinging limbs” around. For example, the skills of serving, catching, tossing, smashing, blocking and other skills that need to be used in volleyball are played by holding the Joy-Con in the actual movement posture; badminton, in addition to swinging left and right freely, can also Super-impressive smashing; football is currently the first to provide a shooting game with a fixed leg strap kicking the ball, and plans to release a free update in the future, when players can play 4v4 or 1v1 football games.

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