Letters from readers: power vacuum

by time news

2023-08-25 02:00:00

The painful events of the last hours (looting, robberies or whatever you want to call them), tragically repeat Argentine history. The fatal combination of endless elections and another recurring economic crisis (and they go…) exploded in the midst of the change of national government. The remoteness of the transfer of command suggests that painful moments are coming for all Argentines. And the disaster is infinitely enhanced in the face of the unprecedented power vacuum that the country suffers (we suffer). With the president and vice president literally wiped out of the picture, no one is in charge of making the decisions that need to be made, and urgently. The economy minister, in his double role, has already publicly said that he is not the president. The millions of Argentines who are adrift, then, ask ourselves: what should we do in these circumstances? Perhaps go out into the streets and demand that these leaders make their commitments or resign early to shorten this agony? Or resignedly wait for a miracle to happen and get rid of the imminent misfortune? We also see how the opposition does not take action on the matter and comfortably awaits the government’s reaction, which will never come, with which there will only be one victim: the Argentine people. This overwhelming reality makes us reflect on the resounding failure of our presidential system, in light of the events that have occurred only in this century. From Delarruista’s failure to the current tragedy, we can say that almost all the presidencies ended resoundingly. So why continue with the same? Wouldn’t it be convenient to go to a parliamentary system with a prime minister where, in an extreme situation, we can change one official for another and not be adrift as we are now? The magnitude of the Argentine disaster would be certifying that no person, no matter how enlightened, or political party alone, is going to solve the accumulation of problems accumulated over decades. And we see it when, with each change of government, everything remains the same… or worse. Surely some other reader, with more academic training, will be able to make a more substantial contribution to this very harsh present… meanwhile we can only pray.

#Letters #readers #power #vacuum

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