Letters to Quito / August 18, 2023

by time news

2023-08-18 07:05:00

Safety first, then everything else.

Ecuador is the victim of a serious threat, insecurity, represented by the violence provoked by the man who at all costs defends the bloody drug-trafficking business supported by his armed wing, organized crime, on the other hand, climate change caused by nature, now as the El Niño Phenomenon. Issues of the highest importance and urgent solution, which politicians seem to be unaware of, were demonstrated in the comedy on August 13, where candidates and questions were shell and little pulp (lots of supply, for a short time). The Country would be satisfied and grateful if the transition administrator could only eradicate the man-made threat and subdue some of the Pachamama’s fury. For that, you don’t need advice from Belgium, a specialized criminal less a sniper, just common sense and love for the Homeland, to identify the cause and find a solution. We know that Ecuador is a transit country for drugs produced in Colombia and Peru, a step that has accelerated in the last fifteen years, thanks to the biased or not biased ineffectiveness of politicians. The cause is drugs, the solution is to prevent their entry, how? Taking care of sovereignty at the borders, a mission of the armed forces trained and equipped with the latest technology. If there is no drug entry into the country, there will be no radars on the coast, scanners in the ports, deaths in the streets, riots in prisons and, most importantly, there will be no internal consumption and violence will disappear. Nothing was said about the natural threat, there were no questions about it, the CNE underestimated the disastrous effect of the El Niño Phenomenon, at least the candidates should have been consulted about the current Government’s Prevention Plan. Safety first, then everything else.

Marco A. Zurita Rios

The statesman we require

A statesman is one who promotes transparent consensus with all the powers of the state and communicates with citizens to issue public policies to achieve the common good and fulfill their campaign promises. You must issue clear messages of your commitment to comply with and enforce the constitution, laws, policies and other provisions, having demonstrated in your public and private life, courage and character to make decisions without concessions to anyone, with the rigor of authority and the application of the laws, mainly on issues as delicate and decisive as the fight against corruption and organized crime, which cause us so much damage. To achieve this, he must not reach authoritarianism, but rather act with firmness, transparency and a strong connection with the citizenry. All the candidates promise with speeches of all styles: education, health, security, employment, housing, connectivity for all; fight against corruption, transparency, impartial tax collection, elimination of exonerations, administrative efficiency, inter-institutional coordination, responsible exploitation of natural resources or eliminate it completely, care for the environment, increase national and international investment. However, few establish how to do it, the sources of financing, the actions to achieve it and its risk assessment, its work team, the way to measure achievements through indicators, the accountability process. Generally they are pure demagogy that serve to deceive the less informed population, using our resources in their empty campaigns. It is essential that we dedicate a little of our time to analyze the offers of the candidates in order to determine who could fulfill them. We must not vote for demagogy. We must not err again. A government and an assembly of inept and corrupt will be the end of our country.

Mario Andrade Trujillo

#Letters #Quito #August

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