Letting Go: A Journey to Minimalism and Finding Freedom

by time news

2024-02-02 16:33:11

They didn’t know what would happen on October 7 and yet, a couple of friends of friends decided to break everything down here and set sail on a journey that had a beginning but no middle or end. Only intentions that the way will be discovered during the journey. They reset everything in a place that had become a closed military area, and boarded a small yacht. Stu without a clear destination, but in any direction that is not Israel.

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October at the time of global warming still gives the feeling to the episodes that it is August. So it was warm and cozy and most of the time also quiet and stable, as much as a person with a deceptive personality can provide stability. Even when it became a wavy back, with big fluctuations, it was much more stable than what happens here.

They were left without a ceiling above their heads or a floor under their feet, but with a rocking ground, which they say has become the most stable in the world. “You just take your house and drop anchor,” they say. And there were also those little things that seem less dramatic when big things happen. Little winter things, for example: coats, warm clothes. “We didn’t take. Who believed it would last so long “.

But today you can buy everything cheap. Objects that have no sentimental value have a replacement. Basically, even objects with sentimental value have a replacement. Like a house for example. All the clichés say that home is where your heart is, or where you throw your hat. The clichés turn out to be true when you lose your home and realize that if you’re safe and sound, you can move on almost as if nothing happened.

They had just come here for a short break, to pick up some things, but realized that nothing really mattered now. As we all sat around the table and listened to this amazing travel story, each of us stared at the ceiling and imagined ourselves leaving everything behind and traveling with almost nothing. where? What does it matter.

How many things does a person need besides one suitcase and memories in the heart? I was never a hoarder, every few months I had a desire to empty the closet and get rid of everything. And yet, until you are left with equipment that fits into a few small suitcases, you don’t really feel this release. Make no mistake, it does not come easily, even for someone who religiously watches minimalism videos like me. It’s hard to say goodbye to everything that you thought defined you materially, that was yours, that you collected and bought and suddenly turns out to be unimportant. There is something unsettling about it, but very liberating.

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the desire not to hold on to material, not to derive pleasure from endlessly scrolling through shopping sites, not to go back and hoard anything. It happens to me now more than ever, after I moved from my home and lived for a month and a half on a small suitcase and saw that the world did not fall. Still, I had a few falls, holding on to objects that I insisted on and “killed myself” over, like my grandmother’s green chair, which got a special section here and is now in front of my eyes and I say goodbye to it every morning. as if appreciating his presence. And maybe it’s her presence. Every now and then I remember Grandpa’s box of cookies, the one that for almost 20 years was in the depths of the closet. Suddenly I remembered that I had forgotten her, and it was already too late to save. How idiotic it is to want to save a plastic box.

It was an ice box that you throw in whiskey. My grandfather, who imported spirits, brought us Eaz in the 1970s. But they didn’t drink whiskey with us, and when I asked my mother once what it was used for, she answered that it was a box of cookies. For me it was a box of cookies that never had cookies in it. Maybe once when I asked for butter cookies, and my mother was going to roll out dough and make cookies in different shapes. Star, heart, moon. It was the first and last time I did that, she told me. We always laughed about that moment.

The box of cookies without the cookies was black and had a picture of a man with a stick on it that looked to me like he was in the middle of a dance, like Gene Kelly in “Singing in the Rain”. The box had a white lid, and it wasn’t until I was 9 that I realized it had “Johnny Walker” written on it. It wasn’t until a decade later that I realized who Johnny was, and that this was the logo.

For three decades the box of cookies stood like a museum display in the kitchen. She was with me for two more decades. It is in the kitchen cupboard and contains paperwork, clamps and warranty certificates for electrical appliances.

A few days ago, my good friend Yaron sent me a beautiful text about cookies, in which he explained that cookies leave traces that help us remember. Then I realized that boxes of cookies too, probably. 

#Talia #Levin #unsettling #goodbye #thought #defined #material

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