Lewandowski in another interview: It is better for Bayern to sell me

by time news

Robert Lewandowski wants to go further and is seriously considering not appearing to advance to Bayern Munich’s season in early July. As a means of pressure to force his departure, the Pole wants to force the Bavarian club to give him permission to move to Barcelona, ​​in addition to another clear interview posing an extraordinary threat.

According to reports in Spain, the striker is very clear about his next steps later on and is not willing to give up any of his principles, in the battle that began after the end of the Bundesliga season. Lewandowski, unlike similar cases we are familiar with, even made public statements about his desire to leave and continued with them devoutly.

In an interview with Bild tonight (Tuesday), Lewandowski said: “I have always tried to do my best to live up to expectations at Bayern. I appreciate the fans who have always supported me. If I was not real about my situation, it would be unfair to the audience. I know there are a lot of emotions right now, but I hope the fans will understand me in the future. “

The actor added: “Am I selfish? I’m really not a selfish person, I know what I had at Bayern and I really appreciate it, and I also know that I did my best not to disappoint the fans and the club in the last eight years. Now I think it’s time for a new era. I respect Bayern and the rules, but changes are a part of life. “I hope it will not be interpreted as selfishness, I have a contract, but I tried to make it clear to the club how I feel.”

The player further said: “I informed the club and said publicly that I have decided not to renew my contract, so let’s not talk about my future at Bayern. I wanted to end the speculation. I do not know if I will leave in the summer because I have another year on the contract, so I asked the team for permission to leave. I think this is the best solution that can get me money. I want a new challenge in a new club for a few more years. “

Robert Lewandowski (Reuters)

Lewandowski concluded: I said from the beginning that we need to look for a solution that is good for both parties. Bayern from the best clubs in the world, I think it is better for the team to invest the money it will receive on me than to keep me until the end of the contract. I do not want to force anything, that is not the point, I just want the best solution, me and Bayern are not enemies. “

As I recall, during the week he announced that after his last game, he made the final decision that he wanted to join Barça: “Something is dead in me, I want to leave Bayern to look for new feelings in my life. After a few seasons in Munich and after I gave my best, I want to leave “You are Bayern,” he said Lewandowski Before responding when asked about Barcelona and answering “I do not consider any other offer”.

In the last week, there have been reports that Bandowski could use one of the FIFA clauses that allows players over the age of 28 to unilaterally cancel the contract, and all they have to do is compensate their team with a seasonal salary (in the case of the Pole – 24 million euros). The player will not do that, but is definitely considering not showing up for training.

The professional director of the Bavarians, Hassan Salihmichic, He told Bild today: “I spoke to Lewandowski on the phone, we talked about his public statements and I clearly explained to him the situation for us regarding his contract. “I, President Herbert Heiner and Oliver Kahn have responded several times regarding his desire to leave, so we will leave it at that.”

Robert Lewandowski (Reuters)Robert Lewandowski (Reuters)
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