Lía Limón denounces aggression on tour

by times news cr

2024-05-09 12:51:07

Through a video on social networks, the candidate for mayor of Álvaro Obregón, Lia Lemon He reported attacks on one of his tours.

According to the complaint, invaders of the Barranca de Tlapechico interrupted Lía Limón’s campaign during a tour of the Margarita Maza de Juárez neighborhood.

The aggressors, identified with the group of Silvia Carrillo, They threw eggs and verbally attacked neighbors, the candidate and her team.

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The neighbors regretted that people from outside their neighborhoods came to attack the candidate and her team. “They are people from outside who have nothing to do with us,” commented one of the neighbors.

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For her part, Lía Limón warned that no one will stop her campaign and that they do not intimidate her with this type of aggression.

“The neighbors who come are from Tlapechico, the aggressors are not from here. She is the daughter of Silvia Carrillo and her nieces. The story is, as we have already said, they have invaded that Barranca and we have denounced that invasion, by the way, hidden by the head of Government’s joint.

They come to a neighborhood that is not theirs to attack because they are committing an absolutely illegal act. But if they think they are going to stop us, they are very wrong,” said the coalition standard bearer. PAN, PRI, PRD.

2024-05-09 12:51:07

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