“Libya’s Qur’an” comes to light after seven years of work

by times news cr

2024-04-14 17:24:19

A ceremony was held in the capital, Tripoli, yesterday evening, Sunday, for the announcement of the “Libyan Qur’an,” which was prepared by a specialized committee headed by one of the memorizers of the Holy Qur’an in Libya, Sheikh Al-Thami Al-Zaytouni, along with six other members, and written by Sheikh Al-Sharif Al-Zanati.

During the announcement ceremony, Al-Zaytouni explained that this work began seven years ago, when he was director of the Holy Qur’an Department at the General Authority for Endowments and Islamic Affairs, where they referred a request to the authority’s presidency to write a new Qur’an.

Al-Zaytouni added that the Endowments Authority then approved this request, and stipulated that the procedure be through the Committee of Experts on the Holy Qur’an and its Sciences affiliated with the Authority, which in turn formed a committee to prepare the Libyan Qur’an.

A member of the Committee for Preparing and Writing the Libyan Qur’an, Sheikh Muhammad Al-Rabba, said that the completed Qur’an was written in the footsteps of the “Jamahiriya Qur’an” to which people in Libya were accustomed, pointing out that it included the “al-khusa” and the “habbati endowment,” in addition to adopting the prostrations agreed upon in the doctrine of Imam Malik. applicable in the country.

Al-Raba pointed out that the copies distributed at the announcement ceremony are copies for advertising only, announcing that the circulation editions will be available in the near future.

Source: Libya Al-Ahrar

2024-04-14 17:24:19

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