Lieberman’s gloomy forecast: the expected dramatic rise in real estate prices

by time news

Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman said today (Monday) that “real estate prices are expected to rise by more than 10% in 2021.” “We have an impact on them – prime interest rates and maritime transport, and three components that we can influence – demand, supply and planning, and this year we broke records in those three components. Approving the budget alongside hard work will close the gaps within 4-3 years.”

The minister also referred to the stability of the current government and said that “the government will hold four and a half years if we focus on four challenges: cost of living, crime, traffic jams and governmental stability”. He added that “regarding other issues such as religion and state I can not achieve everything, but I promote issues that are in coalition agreements such as kosher reform and conversion by city rabbis. The issue of the layout of the Western Wall was promoted at the time by Benjamin Netanyahu. Of Shas and Torah Judaism, the outline has been frozen.

On economic growth, he said, “We are a country that is growing at a dizzying pace, we have risen in the growth forecast from 5.1% to 7.1%. I see the volume of activity of credit cards and the quarterly reports of companies traded on the stock exchange. In addition, I see the announcement made by the rating company Fitch, which supports our economic policy. All this and more leads us to the conclusion that we are in good shape. “

The Minister later referred to the wave of price increases and claimed that “it is impossible to reach a situation where milk prices in the State of Israel are about 80% higher than world milk prices. “Very significant. I believe less in supervision but more in fair competition.”

On the strengthening of the shekel, Lieberman said that “this is a result of exports leading to a dollar surplus and therefore we must balance imports and exports. Therefore we have adjusted the standard of imports to the European standard. In any case the exchange rate is the responsibility of the governor.”

Finally, he noted that “according to the UN, the standard of living in the State of Israel ranks 17th. In 5-4 years I want to reach the top ten and this is not a legend. Why do we not occupy the top ten today? Because in the Arab and ultra-Orthodox public the employment rate is very low. “If we bring these publics into employment, we will reach much higher places in the quality of life index, which is why I am working to encourage people to work in order to receive a daycare subsidy.”


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