“Lied and lied. What to take from him, he is Putin. He’s lying like he’s breathing” » News of Belarus – latest news for today

by time news

2023-06-22 09:17:59

Photo: kremlin.ru

The Russian side delighted us all day yesterday with an abundance of high-quality information slops. First, Putin told VGTRK journalist Pavel Zarubin that “our men in Ukraine have hacked up 245 enemy tanks and approximately 678 armored vehicles of various types. Enemy tanks are burning for a sweet soul.”

Excuse my importunity, but I am seriously concerned about Vladimir Vladimirovich’s mental health. Still, he is the head of a nuclear power. Judge for yourself: according to Wikipedia, one tank brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has 31 tanks. Therefore, Putin claims that in two weeks his army smashed eight tank brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to zero! Fully. All. At 100%.

But according to open sources, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have only nine tank brigades! That is, Putin claims that he actually completely destroyed all the tank forces of Ukraine. Then why is she fighting now? And how then to understand Putin’s phrase from the same interview that Ukraine “still has reserves”?

Oh, who would have explained to Putin that not all dreams come true at the moment of their utterance. And even more than that: almost none … Blinovskaya’s sessions according to the “right desire” are not yet a guarantee of victory in the war. And this lack of a line between rough reality and violent fantasies in Putin – it scares me very much.

But the phrase “about 678 armored vehicles” worries me even more. What does “about” mean? I understand if he said “about 700 armored vehicles.” But how can you say the exact figure and at the same time add “about”? This is the same as remembering a phone number not exactly, but approximately. Putin! And why are you then saying the exact figure (moreover, repeating it twice within a couple of minutes), if it is one damn thing – approximate?

And what are “our men” who “pricked” the tanks worth? What is this vernacular? Why is this? All this is so forced, so false, this whole game of nationality … Well, okay. Lied and lied. What to take from him, he is Putin. Lies like breathing.

But then, in opposition to him, Prigozhin began to sing some kind of funeral song for the entire Putin SVO. As if the Ukrainian troops are already near Tokmok, that they are about to reach the shore of the Molochny estuary, that they block the Crimea, that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already begun crossing the Dnieper and reached the Naked Pristan …

What is it? Neither independent experts, nor Ukrainians, let alone the Russian military, confirm anything of this. Why is it all? If this is not a discrediting of the Russian army, then what is it? No, really, they have something going on in Russia. The dude carries some kind of snowstorm and no one punishes him. Although anyone else for such alarmist statements would have been put behind bars long ago.

However, no: there is also Strelkov-Girkin. This one generally directly declares that Russia will lose this war. And no one is imputing anything, no “discrediting” to him. Both Prigogine and Girkin are alive and well and are walking free…

Something broke in them in the notorious Putin vertical. You can’t contradict your national leader so openly and frankly! The leader says that he has already defeated everyone, but then his attendants say: no, everything is bad and we will lose. As Comrade Shvonder would say: “This is some kind of shame!”

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#Lied #lied #Putin #Hes #lying #hes #breathing #News #Belarus #latest #news #today

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