Lieven Danneels: Back Expert and Addressing Common Ailments

by time news

2023-11-12 04:00:00
Lieven Danneels: Addressing Back Pain beyond the Vertebrae

Lieven Danneels, a back expert from UGent, has highlighted the prevalence of back pain as one of the most common ailments. He emphasized that while the back is strong, it is also vulnerable and crucial in every movement we make.

Danneels pointed out that while back pain is a common issue, it can often be addressed effectively. He stated that the cause of back pain does not always lie between the vertebrae, but sometimes between the ears, implying that psychological factors can also contribute to the experience of back pain.

According to Danneels, understanding the root cause of back pain is essential in effectively addressing and treating the condition. By acknowledging the role of psychological factors in back pain, he is advocating for a more holistic approach to treatment that goes beyond solely focusing on physical symptoms.

As back pain continues to be a prevalent health issue, Danneels’ insights shed light on the importance of considering psychological factors and addressing the condition from a multidimensional perspective. His expertise in this field offers valuable insights for individuals and healthcare professionals alike in understanding and managing back pain.]
#expert #Lieven #Danneels #people #walk #hernia #knowing

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