Ligue 1: swept by Le Havre (3-1), Nice can see PSG take the lead in the championship

by time news

2023-12-16 20:37:20

In a single match, the Niçois conceded a third of their goals of the season in Ligue 1. Opposed this Saturday afternoon in Le Havre, on the pitch of the Océane stadium, the Aiglons, the best defense in Ligue 1 with only six small goals conceded at kick-off, were unable to do anything against the offensive waves of Le Havre, who scored three goals and inflicted their first heavy defeat of the season (3-1).

A nightmarish end to the afternoon for Francesco Farioli and his men, with a huge ball from their goalkeeper Marcin Bulka, who very poorly negotiated an innocuous strike from Mohamed Bayo and let Emmanuel Sabbi score his very first goal of the season with a nice half-volley (1-0, 5th). Coming up against a good Arthur Desmas, the Aiglons simply found themselves powerless in the face of the success and efficiency of the Hacmen in front of goal, symbolized by the same Sabbi who scored his double, with a superb strike into the top corner left side (2-0, 35th).

Great tension at the end of the match, Todibo and Grandsir excluded after an altercation

Unaccustomed to finding themselves in these unfavorable situations, the people of Nice were able to show a form of frustration. If this culminated at the end of the match with the exclusion of Jean-Clair Todibo (81st), who lost his temper after suffering a big mistake from Samuel Grandsir, who was also excluded (81st), it also was materialized by this penalty stupidly conceded by Melvin Bard, author of an avoidable foul in the area on Nego. An opportunity converted by Mohamed Bayo, who wrong-footed Bulka (3-0, 51st). At the very end of the game, young Tom Louchet (20 years old) saved the honor, by scoring his first professional goal (3-1, 90th +2).

With this defeat as surprising as it is clear, OGC Nice restarts the race for the podium and gives a unique opportunity to PSG to widen its lead at the top of Ligue 1. The Aiglons, who suffered their first defeat of the season ago two weeks in Nantes, remain stuck at 32 points and therefore do not take advantage of Monaco’s defeat against Lyon on Friday evening (0-1) to secure this runner-up place. Above all, the Niçois remain four units of PSG which can therefore take a 7 point lead on Sunday evening in the event of a victory against Losc.

For its part, Le Havre is gaining some air from the relegation zone and, with 19 points, temporarily moves into the first part of the table in 9th place.

#Ligue #swept #Havre #Nice #PSG #lead #championship

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