Ligue 2: Bordeaux supporters banned from traveling to Paris FC on Saturday

by time news

2023-11-23 00:36:06

Like Bastia on November 11 and while waiting for that of Saint-Étienne, the arrival of Bordeaux had been identified as “risky” by the leaders of Paris FC who launched a world first with their free operation at the Charléty stadium. Saturday at 7 p.m. against the Girondins for the 15th day of L2, the gauge limited to 8,000 spectators against Bastia, was raised and will be greater than 10,000 spectators.

For several days, a certain excitement had reigned on social networks among Bordeaux supporters who had planned to travel to Paris in large numbers. The visitor’s parking lot promised to be copiously stocked. Enough to push Paris FC and the public authorities to provide a reinforced security system.

But behind the scenes, the hypothesis of a measure banning the travel of Bordeaux supporters for security reasons did indeed exist. It will be made official in the coming hours, as the entourage of police chief Laurent Nuñez told AFP on Wednesday evening. According to this decree which must be published in the coming hours, “supporters who come from their region of origin will not be able to support their team”, the police prefect’s entourage told AFP.

The prefect of police will also issue an order which prohibits “the presence of any person who claims to be a supporter or behaves as such, in the surroundings and in the Charléty stadium”, added this same source. The authorities spoke of “tense” relations between supporters of the two teams since the 2022-2023 season as well as “historic tensions” between Girondin supporters and those of PSG.

This measure should not necessarily displease Paris FC supporters. We remember that when Bordeaux last came to Charléty in September 2022, the stadium was made up of 70% Bordeaux supporters.

#Ligue #Bordeaux #supporters #banned #traveling #Paris #Saturday

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