Likud attacked Edelstein, who did not remain liable

by time news

Criticism from the coalition: During the votes on the fortification laws and the reinforcement clause, Knesset member Yuli Edelstein from the Likud was conspicuous by his absence. Edelstein, who offset himself by voting with opposition member Sharan Hashakal, was attacked after the votes when a senior member of the coalition said: “Yuli Edelstein began his steps towards the left and forgot the voters who sent him. It is sad to see that he prefers a hug from the opposition to his loyalty to the national camp.”


Edelstein did not remain indebted

Edelstein himself, did not remain obliged and responded to that senior member of the coalition and said: “I have decided to take steps towards the left – and as a first step I intend to present to the Knesset plenum the law on the cancellation of secession.” Edelstein, as I remember, is one of the initiators of the repeal of the sections in the secession law that passed last night in first reading.

Yuli Edelstein Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

Edelstein’s cooperation with the opposition

Edelstein, in the past has often supported the call for unity and cooperation with the opposition. About a week ago, he signed a letter together with his party member Danny Danon and opposition members Gadi Eisenkot and Hili Trooper. In the letter, they warned about the economic, social and international situation of the country: “These days, the State of Israel is facing many and complex challenges in the fields of society, the economy, and its international status, and is facing serious attacks and security challenges more serious than ever before,” they wrote.

Members of the Knesset referred to the controversy surrounding the issue of legal reform, which in recent weeks has been discussed by the officer, and in the context of which there have been calls to refuse conscription into the IDF and threats of fratricidal war. “Above all of this hovers, like a gloomy shadow, the difficult controversy that tears and divides the public in Israel regarding the various proposals concerning the legal system in Israel” wrote

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