Lithuania will construct everlasting fortifications on the border with Russia and Belarus /

by times news cr

2024-05-23 15:14:44

He stated that fortifications “are deliberate by the top of the summer time or the start of the autumn in some particular locations that I might not like to call right now.”

Lithuania additionally plans that a number of dozen so-called anti-mobility parks can be crammed by the top of the summer time, by which a number of extra fortifications may very well be put in if mandatory.

Kasčun promised to submit an “anti-mobility plan” by the top of June, and it’ll embrace extra details about anti-mobility parks, anti-mobility measures and the aforementioned everlasting fortifications.

Talking in regards to the Baltic protection line – a community of fortifications alongside the borders of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania with Russia and Belarus -, Kasčūns emphasised that the neighboring nations “are transferring ahead with this concept”, though they’ve completely different mechanisms.

Within the building of fortifications, so-called steel Czech hedgehogs, strengthened concrete blocks and tetrahedrons, barbed wire and different technique of safety are used.

2024-05-23 15:14:44

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