live each time as if it were the last – Science or Fiction

by time news

2023-05-11 06:30:00


Thursday May 11, 2023 and today I am going to talk about Ichigo Ichie and it is not about a man

Japanese though it seems. It’s something that I had on this, I have a program in which

I’m leaving, ideas that are seeing me in my head I’m releasing it there so that later I don’t know

Forget, basically, the topics that I want to deal with. And I had Ichigo Ichie on for a long time

and just yesterday Kiko, the same Kiko who gave me the bicycle that was stolen the other day, regards

Kiko again, he told me at Mastodon that it would be the same as talking about meditation and well, he gave me

that push that sometimes I lack when I die on some topic to say and when I do it, when I do it,

Well, today is the day. Ichigo Ichie literally means in Japanese a life an encounter and it is

a Japanese phrase describing a cultural concept that is usually translated as just for

this time or never again or a chance in life. Like something that happens today we can assume that

well, we don’t give it the importance it should have because well, the same thing will happen again

family dinner in which everyone is there and someone starts to take a photo and look, that’s it

the annoying one who takes the photo there again saying let’s take a photo well normally

those people in their heads have this concept that anything can be the last time and save

those memories apart from living them because it may be that something as silly as that is not repeated

There are people who don’t like birthdays and in the end birthdays well I have the concept

of “look, we’re here for another year, and it’s not easy and it’s not valuable and it’s not something I have

why pass for nature”. That is where the concept of Ichigo Ichie comes from and for example the English

They call the present present, which is the same as a gift and is where meditation comes into play.

meditation and mindfulness especially these words can cause rejection but and I

you know, I think you already know me enough about the magufadas and mystical stories like that,

of greetings to the sun, but in that tone of come on and that’s cool and so on, let’s see that this goes very very little

with me, so I encourage you that if you are skeptical of meditation, that you still stay here,

at least until the end, because I’m not going to talk about mysticism or things like that, I’m going to talk about something

much more earthy. It is said that depression is an excess of the past and that anxiety is a

excess of the future and that what you have to do is live in the present because the present is to be at peace

and it is a gift although it may also be that the excess of present does not cause us stress, but hey

Let’s stay with that concept of being at peace and above all, above all, of living in the present in

instead of being in that excess of the past or in that excess of the future. Obviously it’s much easier

say what to do like so many things in this life but the concept comes from here this is where

comes out or meditation arises. How many times does it happen to us at the end of the day that we are in a moment

living something or doing something and the head is in another place? Or is it in the past or is it in the

future? Or worrying about what is to come? How will it come? Or worrying about what it was?

Obviously there has to be an awareness of the present and where it will reach us and we have

a responsibility in life, that if we don’t fulfill that anxiety, that

excess of future because it arrives before us. And this is where meditation can help us,

can help you to be in connection with the present, live that moment or simply

Stop mentally wandering about what happened or what will happen. The meditation

It helps us with that, it helps us reduce that anxiety, although I have to say it, when I have

very very very high moments of anxiety it costs me and I can’t do it this is like everything in this life

When you need to do something the most, when it can help you the most, well, go down a little

the point of trying to do it is simply that it costs you more and you are leaving it but well let’s suppose

that we can do it because this is something that can help us to be at that moment and to be better and

Meditation is something as simple as that, it is looking for some object of meditation, an object

whatever we think, the object may be breathing, which is what you will most likely have seen,

the object of that focus may be, then, that he is going to take the subway in the morning to work,

feel the vibrations of the wagon itself on your feet or if you are walking, the object of meditation

it could be the noise of cars or birds, being aware of what is around you or

meditating can be being aware of what you are eating, the place of being with your head in another

place or while you watch TV and you get out of the moment, that’s already another thing, to find

that moment to escape with series, movies and any other story that I have already commented on

time. Meditation can also consist of becoming aware of those footsteps that you are taking

what you feel in your feet or in your shoes every time you walk. The point is that meditation

tries to bring you to the present and I say “try” because the main object of the meditation is not

is to be in the present and not to try and when you realize that you have left, it will take at least

possible, there is nothing wrong with this aspect if it takes you more or less to realize that you are gone and that

you to yours to think about other things and return to the present. Let’s say you have a thought on

the recurring head of “I said something to a partner, partner, how did he take it,

You will be at home thinking about what I have said. The most normal thing is that the only thing that is thinking about that and

you are gaining anxiety thinking about it over and over and over again in a loop be yourself. As

could we get out of this loop? Thinking about, for example, breathing. One focuses on

breathing and as the air enters through the nose, passes through the throat, we are trying to do

that movement, that mental movement of how the air goes down until we fill our lungs,

or the belly We are going to do this and suddenly we are going to realize that we are again

thinking about that other thing. It may be the first thought, it may be that I have to buy macaroons

that are not left At that moment when you are thinking about the macaroni and you return to focus on the

breathing, that is the moment in which you are doing the meditation. It is something that I recommend

to do, it’s not something you have to pay for, although I have paid applications, which I gladly pay for,

Yes, it is true that it is worth going through one of these applications even for a few weeks,

For example, there is one called Tempersen, the previous name was Tempersen Happier, which I like.

It helped me to stop being skeptical about this because there is a… well, directly, there are many courses

within that application but there is one that is meditation for skeptics and it is going to start

start with something like this before you get into meditation because at first you may think that

It’s useless and leave it. So even if you don’t have to pay for something, well, that little point of

professionalism at the beginning of looking for a video or something that makes you start and then one

can fly alone As I say, the object of meditation can be anything that makes you live in the

present instead of letting the mind flow freely, which then has its dangers and is

our worst enemy, many, many cases. To meditate you do not have to be in the position of the

flower of the autumn, you don’t have to be sitting on a meditation cushion, you don’t have to lie down,

you don’t have to keep your eyes open, you don’t have to keep your eyes closed and that some of

these things can help in the first steps, but as I said at the end the object of meditation

it can be something that you do in the car itself when you go to work or whatever. Then

there are watches such as the Apple Watch that has an application for breathing, meditation and that can

sound silly but this helps, especially when you already have that habit and you know that even if you

it is costing more that time to do it is not something that helps because you can put yourself from time to time

when a minute and focus in that moment on you instead of what is going through your head.

I highly recommend it, without mysticism, I don’t think that by doing meditation you will be no more

creative or more creative and you’re not going to be like you’re on LSD and you’re Walter Bishop,

that you are capable of opening inter-demesional portals or like Steve Jobs and that suddenly you go to

invent the next new technology. No, as I said at the beginning, I’m not talking about

mysticisms, but yes, like mental health, like being that 10% happier and further away from those

recurring thoughts than our brain, because it is quite bloody. I often recommend you.

Meditation is a tool, as there can be many, it is the tool that has helped me to

live in the present and not be worried, in many cases I can’t help it, worried too much about

the future or the past and what is almost more important many times is missing moments,

lose from situations that are never going to happen again and that once you have

lost because there is no turning back. And nothing else for today, have a great Thursday, greetings and see you tomorrow.


#live #time #Science #Fiction

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