Living with COVID: My Experience as a NOVID and the Unexpected Impact on My Pets

by time news

Title: NOVID No More: A Tale of COVID-19 Transmission from Human to Feline

Subtitle: A cautionary story of the unexpected spread of the virus from a pandemic expert to her beloved pet

By Andrea Sachs

Photo by Andrea Sachs

In a cruel twist of fate, Andrea Sachs, a NOVID (someone who had never contracted COVID-19), discovered that her beloved cat, Abby, had become infected with the virus. As a former pandemic editor and founder of The Insider, a digital pandemic publication, Sachs had been vigilant about avoiding the virus. However, her close contact with her pets seemed to have resulted in the transmission.

Sachs recounts her journey from COVID-free to COVID-positive and the subsequent discovery of Abby’s symptoms. After experiencing a sore throat, Sachs tested positive and began to manifest various symptoms associated with the virus. Despite being fully vaccinated, she endured fatigue, coughing, and a loss of taste and smell. Though her symptoms were relatively mild, Sachs remained quarantined.

The unexpected moment of realization occurred when Sachs witnessed Abby sneezing. Concerned for her pet’s health, she immediately contacted her at-home veterinarian, known as Dr. Z. Sachs anxiously awaited for Dr. Z to respond to her plea for help.

A deep dive into the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website revealed that pets can contract the virus through close contact with infected individuals. Sachs lamented the impossibility of avoiding direct contact with her two cats, Abby and Jimmy, in their close confines of her Manhattan apartment. The CDC advised against putting masks on pets, a humorous thought for pet owners who understand the close bond they share with their furry friends.

However, Sachs found some solace in her research when she discovered that most pets infected with COVID-19 showed mild symptoms and could be cared for at home. Mayo Clinic’s website echoed these findings, highlighting that most pets didn’t exhibit any signs of illness, and serious complications were rare.

Despite the absence of a house visit from Dr. Z, Sachs decided to quarantine herself with Abby to closely monitor her condition. To her relief, Abby’s sneezing gradually lessened, but Sachs remained vigilant and monitored her other cat, Jimmy, for any potential symptoms.

Reflecting on her experience, Sachs couldn’t help but question the premature closure of The Insider, her pandemic publication. The incident served as a reminder that the virus remains prevalent and the importance of adhering to safety measures, even within the intimate settings of our own homes.

As Sachs and Abby continue their quarantine together, she is reminded of the necessity to retrieve her mask and refrain from sharing it with her furry companions. This unprecedented event underscores the ongoing need to remain cautious, even as the world recovers from the pandemic.

In this cautionary tale, Sachs provides a unique perspective on COVID-19 transmission, reminding readers that the virus can make its way into unexpected corners of our lives, even among our most cherished companions.

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