Livorno, the first “5 & 5 day”: a day in honor of the famous sandwich with cake (of chickpeas)

by time news

Today in the city the first “5 & 5 day” is celebrated, the famous sandwich with the cake (of chickpeas) accompanied by the inevitable glass of blonde foam. A typical Livorno street food dish that has the roots of its name, “5 cents of lire of bread and 5 cents of lire of cake”, pepper and for the more pretentious even aubergines in pesto, but nothing more. Yes, because the only thing you can choose is whether to eat it in French bread or focaccia, with lots of pepper and so on. The “cake” woe to call it “cecína” or “farinata” has become a real symbol of Livorno and for this reason some of the most famous cake makers of the city have come together in an association to “safeguard our tradition” by creating the Associazione Tortai Livornesi. From today, and every 5th May it will be the “5 & 5 day” and Livorno will pay homage to its symbolic street food.

May 5, 2021 | 18:49



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