Local by-election results; Warning to Pinarayi: K. Surendran

by time news

Trivandrum: BJP state president K. Surendran said that the result of the by-elections to the local posts is a warning to the people for Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan. He was reacting to LDF’s loss of eight sitting seats.

He also stated that the NDA’s resounding victory in two seats, including one sitting seat of the LDF, is a recognition of the Narendra Modi government’s welfare policies.

The NDA secured a landslide victory in the by-elections to local bodies in the districts except Idukki and Kasaragod. UDF won 5 seats and BJP one seat from LDF. LDF captured one UDF seat. LDF won 15 seats in the by-elections to 28 local wards. UDF won 11 seats and BJP two seats.

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