locals usually tend to consider within the principle of a meteorite falling from the sky

by times news cr

2024-05-25 19:39:20

Therefore, the mound itself is untouched by agricultural plows (a rarity!) and has probably preserved the richest cultural layer, historic treasures that haven’t been studied by any scientist. Such is the Nagarba mound within the Kretinga district, caressed by the dense fog of the valleys of the Tenža River within the west.

Area and the womb

The historic info concerning the Nagarba (Negarba) mound are sparse however particular: The Curonian fort “Nebarge” of the Meguva land was first talked about within the deed of partition of South Curonian Spit in 1253. April 4 This mound (together with the mound of Outdated Impilties within the Kretinga district) is among the few in all of the Curonian lands that has preserved its distinctive construction intact. A lot of the mounds appear like a excessive mountain, however right here it’s like an amphitheater.

The positioning with a diameter of about 50 m is surrounded by a stable, highly effective, excessive (3-7 meters excessive) defensive embankment, the full size of which is a couple of quarter of a kilometer. In different phrases, the form of this distinctive archaeological monument resembles a bowl, which is why the locals nicknamed the mound Bliūdkalniu.

Sunken, surrounded by an embankment about 40 m vast on the base and 6-25 m vast on the prime, the thing appears to be like so unusual that it has acquired varied interpretations of its origin. “In accordance with present science, we consider that there was a bove dune. However… Because the butcher began, like a person, the horse-drawn carriage was capable of climb the mountain, it was not capable of overcome it, and it was capable of overcome it. If we’d have labored for the present machines, excavators, we’d have succeeded within the cool years of the sopeltė tuokī dēdēli kalna. I’ve usually puzzled that after upon a time, outdated uncle, there may need been some meteorites”, – within the Žemaitian dialect in 2009. Jūzaps Neverausks wrote within the printed journal “Žemaičių žemina”.

The variations of the origin of the identify of the mound (fort) itself are not any much less intriguing. Though the XIII century the doc says “Nebarge”, ultimately the identify Nagarba unfold. In accordance with some researchers, it comes from the Curonian or Prussian language and means a settlement situated “on a mountain” (“na garbis”). There’s additionally a extra unique model: it’s written that “na garba” means “womb” within the Sanskrit language of the Indo-European household, the identical because the Baltic languages. The form of a mound can actually be related to a girl’s womb for some folks…

Nonetheless, for the reason that 14th century after shifting to the Curonian lands and settling them (and assimilating with the Curonians), the folks of Zema are extra inclined to name the mountain by the dishonorable identify of “Negarba”. And never with out motive. There are such a lot of unhappy tales a couple of mound that no farmer wished to take, you could draw rather a lot.

The witch and the toad

Initially, the magnificent Nagarba mound of the Curonians is as if condemned to the creation of fascinating tales solely due to the setting: it’s situated on the heights of the Tenzhe, which has the widest valleys (some historians consider that this river, which was even known as Tange up to now, is identical Dange), and stands alone surrounded by vast fields. Stands out from afar. Within the early mornings or evenings above the flowing Tenža under, like white ghosts, the clouds of fog within the steaming river valleys start to roll. Within the background of the sundown, the enigmatic mound, the chilly, fearful river valleys and the fog hovering above them would make even the hair of a person of metal nerves stand on finish. And when you nonetheless have photographs of ghosts or a witch in your thoughts?

The already talked about J. Neverauskas additionally described one of many fictitious, or possibly considerably actual, occasions, which we are going to current in literary language this time. “From era to era, phrase of mouth, it’s stated that within the olden days there was an iron mansion with an ideal palace on that Nagarba mountain, and in that palace lived very evil and stingy lords.” However the worst ex-housekeeper. Individuals known as her the Iron Witch. She was very merciless. If somebody received twisted up underneath his toes, he “received caught” because it had been. They beat everybody: serfs, their youngsters, animals, birds. She used to beat her very painfully with something she may get her palms on,” the creator described the girl with a not-so-good status.

Nonetheless, the ladybug was taught in such a method that she screamed like a goat that had not been fed for 3 days. “As soon as the shepherds performed a joke on her: they caught hedgehog thorns into each ends of the stick. Then she intentionally misplaced that stick close to the trail she usually walked on. One of many shepherds received tangled underneath her toes simply on the place the place that spiked stick was dropped. The iron witch held the stick, and on the identical second, the thorns of the hedgehog hit her hand,” the submission says. From that point on, the girl of the manor didn’t battle anymore, however saved closing her throat, and the folks had been so indignant that ultimately they cursed the manor. They burned to the bottom one evening with your complete mountain prime and the iron manor home. It was then that the mountain turned sunken, like some type of mud.

The native explorer Bronius Kviklys (1913–1990) has written down one other story, which is not associated to the indignant proprietor of the manor, however to a lovely woman. Cursed after all. “At some point at midday, a person handed by the Nagarba mountain. He noticed a lovely woman coming down the mountain, carrying a toad on a plate. The woman stated that she was bewitched and needed to endure on the mountain till the final day of God’s judgment. However an individual might be saved from that curse – he simply must blow his spirit into that toad 3 times”, – it’s stated in 1968. printed in quantity IV of “Mūsų Lietuvos”.

The person blew as soon as, and the amphibian started to growl. After blowing once more, the toad barely matches within the plate. “The person was scared and didn’t blow for the third time. Crying, the woman requested to blow another time, however the man didn’t pay attention. The woman bumped into the mountain crying and fell to the bottom. A peat appeared in that place”, – that is the story in its essence.

The enigmatic grasshopper

Amongst different issues, it will not be the kudra that’s talked about within the folks tales, however after an extended rain, particularly in autumn, there’s a actually huge puddle of water in a single place on the positioning of the Nagarba mound. Water is consistently accumulating there, so there may be even an archaeological motive to consider that the talked about place marks an undiscovered, unexplored Curonian effectively.

This was present in Apuolė mound (Skuodos district). An analogous peat (additionally unexplored) is situated on the hill of Imbarė (Kretinga district). “The (sunken) mansion, metropolis or fort on the mountain, the peat that appeared in that place. When a pebble fell into the peat, it didn’t fall quickly,” V. Vaitkevičius writes within the e book “Sanctuary Websites of Lithuania”. Žemaitija” (1998).

There’s another fascinating object associated to the water physique: simply past the southern defensive embankment, a large, deep hole might be seen with the bare eye, with a small stream operating on the backside. Archaeologists speculate that this place marks a pond that existed within the time of the Curonians, and which has now turn into its mattress. It’s believed that the latter got here from that place throughout the excavation of the lands, which had been used for the development of defensive ramparts.

Do not hit a countryman

One of many first submissions concerning the Nagarba mound (he solely known as it by the identify of the close by village Senkai) was written by the Bishop of Žemaicai Motiejus Valančius (1801–1875) in his 1891. within the printed e book “Tales of Antanas Tretininkas”.

It’s stated that the fort constructed on the hill of Nagarba was used for prayers in historical instances, however the navy crews weren’t saved there. The Guds, who got here to overcome the coastal lands, took benefit of this: they occupied the fortress. After studying about this, the troopers named as Žemaitsi within the submission, assembled by the “highest king Gintenis” and led by “the lord of the warfare, Kirkučis”, besieged the fort. It was June. Kaitra exhausted the lads. Each the enemies and the defenders of their nation fell in battle. The Gudais closed themselves within the tower with iron doorways, and the rested Zemaites couldn’t escape the enemy.

“Gru, gru gru!” Thunder rumbled. Everybody screamed: “Look, God is already coming to our rescue!” Transferring crimson clouds got here from the ocean, such a whirlwind arose that even half turned the campfire. The Žiamaičians stopped and seemed on the clouds, raised their palms, and prayed, saying:

“Thunder gods,
Nemuszk zaimaitsk –
However we have now to do it,
Like that brown canine!”

3 times, that prayer was rebuffed, thunderbolt – zinc, kicked within the crafty field! The camp shook, and the Gudu bokszt entered the camp with all of the defenders. Instead – kliur, kliur, iszszoko vandu, and it was executed <…> a deep furrow that is still like grass.”

2024-05-25 19:39:20

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