‘Look how I humbly stood before him’: when the late Zvika Peak visited the Rebbe

by time news

The singer, creator and composer Zvika Peak passed away today (Sunday) at the age of 72.

Pick was one of the greatest musicians in Israel, from the 1970s until today.

He was found lifeless in his home, after not making contact with his relatives in the last few hours.

In recent years his medical condition deteriorated, when he had a stroke in 2018. In the last months he worked on a comeback with all his might and even announced a series of new shows, but finally his condition took over and the events were canceled.

More than 30 years ago – Beg Tevet 5911 – Pik came to the position of ‘distributing the dollars’ at the Lubavitcher Rebbe ztzel, who received him cordially and wished him success.

Over 10 years ago, he came to visit the singer friend, a Chabad follower, who brought him a gift for the New Year. Pick called one of his assistants and asked him to bring the postcard he produced for the New Year to the guest.

When it rested on the table, the Hasid was surprised: it turns out that on the postcard next to it was written “Shana Tova”, the picture of Pick during his visit to the Lubavitcher Rebbe was emblazoned. The singer signed the personal postcard and turned to tell about what is behind it.

He then excitedly told about his visit to the distribution of dollars: “Look how I lower my eyes and stand humbly before the Rebbe,” he said. “I remember that the Rebbe gave me a wide and heartfelt smile and blessed me. Then the Hassidim surrounded me and asked me what I had won that the Rebbe would receive me with such a light of countenance.”

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