Looking physically like your boyfriend’s ex is a sign that he is still not over her or is it just a coincidence

by time news

2023-10-16 23:52:42

Romantic relationships have always been a taboo through which we seek to understand our partner and their feelings for us, which makes us question ourselves. Why do I look like my boyfriend’s ex?.

One of the most complicated feelings is when we detect that we have very similar traits to our current ex-girlfriend. boyfriendwhich is why our insecurities They could float out.

There are so many questions that we can have in one sentimental relationship as it is that he only notices us to remember when he was with her or that he still hasn’t seen her. beats.

It is important to take into account that the attraction What a person can have can be due to different factors and, believe it or not, it could not only be due to the physique of his or her ex.

According to specialists, the physical appearance of attraction It could occur due to several factors such as looking for a way to heal or fix what did not work in the past.

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There are signs that can mark us, such as having a couples pattern which consists of continuing to choose ‘clones’ by not getting over previous relationships or as part of survival by not leaving our comfort zone.

In accordance with Ajayu Scientific Dissemination Organ of the Department of Psychology UCBSPthe traits that we may be attracted to in our partner are usually related to the gender roles and stereotypes that are instilled since childhood.

How to know if your boyfriend is still in love with his ex?

The doubts we may have when we realize that our features are very similar to those of our ex could cause us many insecurities, but we can also detect if we still have feelings for our ex. ex girlfriend thanks to some actions such as:

You have the wrong namestill looking for herHe has photos with her. He keeps things that remind him of her.They communicate They lookKeep looking for her on social networks

What to do with my boyfriend’s ex?

It is important to remain calm when faced with any doubts you may have. Likewise, you should pay attention to the actions and attitudes that your boyfriend with you, because even if his ex bothers you, he is the one who has to respect you and your relationship.

If you notice a lot discomfort It is advisable to talk to him and be honest with your feelings, in addition to rethinking what makes you happy and what is affecting you, since the most important thing is your well-being and your mental health.

Photo: iStock

How to set limits with my partner’s ex?

We recommend that you be clear with your feelings and what makes you uncomfortable, since their attitudes can hurt you, however, it is always best to talk about it, avoiding fights and conflicts.

Although it is not about applying rules, we suggest setting limits for yourself, such as:

It is necessary to think about your mental health and keep in mind that respecting yourself is the most important thing, because if you don’t, your partner could hurt you with his or her actions.

Now that you know the reason why you look like your boyfriend’s ex, We invite you to watch the next video:

#physically #boyfriends #sign #coincidence

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