2023-04-17 08:51:00
The Austrian capital still thrives on its past, when Vienna was once the headquarters of the Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy. However, not all architectural relics from the imperial era, such as the Hofburg, the barracks or the Natural History and Art History Museum are in good condition.
Some structures are left to decay, especially when it comes to underground structures. The cave researcher photographer Robert Bouchal and the historian Johannes Sachslehner have descended into these underworlds, be it in the middle of the inner city or on the outskirts of Vienna, and have discovered the forgotten worlds as urban explorers.
In her new book “Lost Places in Vienna & Surroundings”which was published by Styria Verlag, they present the results of their research in detail.
The unusual thing about this new release on the subject of Lost Places is the depth with which the author duo goes into depth. They also managed to get into catacombs, bunkers and vaults that are locked and barricaded to visitors.
Thanks to their perseverance, they were able to obtain the appropriate permits after a long period of preparatory work and dive into the mysterious world.
On the following pages of the photo series we present some of the Lost Places in Vienna and the surrounding area.
You can also click through the following photo series:
– Lost Places: The forgotten places in Styria
– Geisterbahnhöfe in Germany: Where no train comes anymore
– Photo book “Abandoned Places”: Quirky travel destinations that are guaranteed to give you goosebumps
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