“Love must be measured with the heart, just like music”

by time news

2023-07-29 06:29:58

A Miki Nunez (Terrassa, 1996) it can be known for several reasons; starting with his first appearance on television in the music competition Triumph operation (2018), for the Eurovision song The Sale (2019) or, more recently, to co-present with Marta Torné Euphoria, the successful talent show of TV3. But the fact is, since we laid eyes on the singer, we could not and did not want to lose sight of it. Today he will be the main protagonist of the Macroclimate Festival of Camprodon. to them 21.15 h will present 121, a third studio album revolving around love and positivity. After posting funny (2019) i Iceberg (2020), and hits like Celebrate, I do not care o I didn’t expect itNúñez explores his more festive side in an album that includes 12 tall.

About the album title, where did this number come from?

Well, all the songs I’ve been writing for this album, 121, they talk about love. Not only as a couple, but towards my brother, my friends, at work… But there was no way to find a title and I decided to literally look for “things about love” on the internet. One of the pages that appeared to me and that I found most curious, was a scientific study that said that chemical love lasts only 121 days, and I want to claim with the album that it doesn’t have to be like that. Love shouldn’t be measured with hormones or electrodes, it should be done with the heart, just like music. That’s why this ended up being the title.

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What inspired you to make this album?

There are many things and many people that I love. What mainly made me write about love is the lack of this feeling in the world. We get carried away too much by hate and I think we should put the focus back on those good things that fill us and make us happy. Also, I can say that I enjoy a wonderful family, I have a partner and amazing friends… all these things have happened in the new album.

Could you tell me a song that particularly represents what you want to convey?

Some songs are more special than others, such as for example Dime that it does not hurt, that it is dedicated to my uncle, who died of cancer. During the concerts it is one of the most emotional and people have really embraced it as well, which I like and was very surprised by. On the other hand, we also have electricitywhich made a big impression on me and me l’Alfred and that we really enjoyed doing together.

“Today there are still many people who ask me for more songs in Catalan, the real luck I have is that I can do them”

Is there anyone you would particularly like to collaborate with?

Yes, many artists. I’m a big fan of Juan Luis Guerra and although it is a bit difficult, I would really like to be able to make music with him. do something with I have to o The Fumiga it would also be spectacular. It would make me very happy.

How important is the representation of Catalan in your discography?

Let’s see, after all, I’m a product of RTVEI participated in Operación Triunfo and got to represent Spain at the festival ofEurovision… Today there are still many people who ask me for more songs in Catalan, and I’m lucky that I can make some. I really like to add my mother tongue in the works, even in a lot of my singles, I struggle a lot and it’s crucial to do that. I think that, in general, more music should be made in Catalan.

Do you want to address different audiences with the language?

I think the number of people who follow me every time grows up more, both in Catalonia and in the rest of d‘Spain, and I think it’s really cool to see that you like what you do and what they want you to do. I don’t put out music that I think I might like more if it doesn’t convince me, even if a part of us always wants to make other people happy. For example, we will write resounds throughout the country, and ice creamthe second most popular place is Madridvery close to the number of listeners that a Barcelona. But it’s normal, I’ve appeared on both national and Catalan television, I have done everything and for everyone because I want to and I like it.

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Let’s talk about Euphoria, where he made his debut as a presenter. What is it like to be on the other side?

Tant a OTwhere he was a contestant, com euphoria are television programs that deal with music and be a singer, even if the internal workings are a little different. I consider it very important that a program like this was made on TV3, it was very necessary to bring the families and people of All ages in front of the TV to watch a show of this type in Catalan. That they counted on me fills me up, I have studied acting for more than 10 years, and, at the end of the day, presenting is this: acting, communicating, directing… I’m having a good time and I’m proud of my work And yes, this time I’m on the other side, I know what each side suffers and I’m able toempathize with everyone’s difficulties.

Do you have any projects in mind, either in music or in the television world?

Currently, we are immersed in the tour of the new albumwhen we come back the third season ofeuphoria that, although they haven’t confirmed it yet, I hope they count on me, let’s touch wood. On the other hand, for next summer we may try to relax the volume of concerts, but I’ll keep putting out singles for sure. If something comes up that I can explain, I will…

“Since 2018 I haven’t stopped working hard. I have hardly had a holiday in these years»

What value does he place on the popularity of the stages he steps on?

I come from a version group which used to play around four in the morning for the last people who stayed to see us. I think they deserve the same respect that an audience of 10,000 people, they are just as important and are investing the same amount of time in coming to hear you. We don’t really have a favorite stage to perform at.

He is presenting right now 121what is different with the two previous works?

It is more similar to the first, funnythat in the second, Iceberg. I wrote the latter in the midst of a pandemic, there was no tour, I was a bit sad and I took the opportunity to make quieter, more pop songs. However, 121 it’s a explosion of optimism, energy, excitement, tempo, trumpets, everything we like to experience livewhich is what makes me happy.

At what point in your career do you think you are?

I still consider myself an artist who is starting to come out. After all, there are very well-known artists all over Spain; talk about Pablo Lopez, Pablo AlboranManuel Carrasco o Vanessa Martin, who have been at the foot of the canyon for a long time, just like many Catalan musicians and groups. I’m just making my own site. Since 2018 I have been working very hard, you could say I haven’t had a vacation since then, but I really like what I do. At the moment I have the energy to have many projects at once, this is my priority until I can. Also, I’m in a moment essential; I don’t miss a plate on the table, the people I love are proud of me, the band and the team I have are amazing, I’m happy with my dog… and despite the thousand problems that may have arisen along the way, the positive always weighs more in the balance.

#Love #measured #heart #music

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