Lula’s current in the PT defends an ‘extensive’ alliance in the Congress

by time news

BRASÍLIA, DF (FOLHAPRESS) – Current President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in the PT, the trend CNB (Building a New Brazil) presented a proposal for a resolution that defends a pact that unites “all democrats and very broad forces” in the National Congress.

The text says that it is necessary to forge in the Legislative “a broad majority pact” that opposes “the police state and the power complex that tries to criminalize politics and destroy democracy.”

The document also proposes the reconstruction of legal frameworks and the deepening of the “Rule of Law and individual and democratic guarantees”.

The proposed resolution was discussed and approved at a meeting of the National Board that took place this Monday (13th) in Brasília. The basic text was presented to the party on Friday night (10).

The final resolution, however, will only be released this Tuesday (14), after inclusion of amendments proposed by members of the party leadership. The wording forwarded by the CNB will serve as the base text for the party’s formal document.

“It is necessary to forge a broad majority pact in the House and Senate that unites all Democrats and very broad forces that oppose the police state and the power complex that tries to criminalize politics and destroy democracy, rebuilding legal frameworks and deepening the state. of Law and individual and democratic guarantees”, says the text.

The idea of ​​forging a broad front was contested at the meeting only by minority currents of the acronym, without being submitted to a vote that would lead to its suppression in the final text.

The original wording did not mention the coup attacks that took place in Brasília on January 8. However, the final text should mention the invasions of the headquarters of the three Powers.

Other proposed amendments that should be considered refer to the death of indigenous people on Yanomami land, the war in Ukraine and the readjustment of the minimum wage.

This Monday’s meeting was the first in-person meeting of the party summit since 2020 and the first already in the Lula government.

The PT’s majority strength document also criticizes the Central Bank, stating that its “high interest rate policy” has not controlled inflation “and prevents the construction of an investment trajectory for the country’s development”.

Initially, the text did not foresee calling the BC president, Roberto Campos Neto, to explain the institution’s monetary policy. PT president Gleisi Hoffmann, however, said after the meeting that this should be included in the final resolution.

The initial text also says that the issues of fiscal and monetary policy “are at the center of the debate”, classifies the spending ceiling as a tragedy and claims that it was never respected and served only as a smokescreen to “justify the disregard for the needs of the Brazilian people”.

The document also states, in reference to Operation Lava Jato, that scandals were engendered against PT governments, the PT and their leaders to criminalize politics and destroy democracy — and that this is a project.

“A project articulated from the outside, in a ‘soft’ war involving social networks, various business media and the co-opted part of the Brazilian Judiciary, whose greatest expression was Judge Sergio Moro and his gang of prosecutors”, says the document.

The text criticizes former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL), although without mentioning him by name, and Bolsonarism, stating that the political force is “guardian of the big house and the whip of the slave quarters”.

“Bolsonarism is not an isolated phenomenon, and the former president, with his coughing and his inhuman and disgusting actions, represents a large part of a country marked by iniquities, inequalities, prejudices and violence”, says the text.

At this Monday’s meeting, six other resolution proposals from other parties in the party were discussed. That of the Socialist Resistance claims that Bolsonaro’s government brought back to Brazil “the nightmare of the civic-military dictatorship”.

“Exalting this sad moment in Brazilian history, asking for its return, honoring the torturers, as he himself did in the coup against President Dilma, and violently and organizedly repudiating the democratic electoral result of 2022”, says the text.

Socialist Democracy, on the other hand, points out in its resolution four points that limit the full application of Lula’s government program, among them the relationship between Bolsonarism and the Armed Forces and the “conservative and physiological majority” of Congress.

The meeting also approved the extension of the mandate of President Gleisi Hoffmann and the other state directorates until 2025, as well as the replacement of the staff of the national directory and the Perseu Abramo Foundation that became part of the Lula government.

Federal deputy from Rio Grande do Sul, Henrique Fontana, will assume the position of general secretary of the PT, replacing Paulo Teixeira, minister of Agrarian Development; Pernambuco Senator Humberto Costa will become one of the party’s vice-presidents, replacing Márcio Macêdo, Minister of the General Secretariat of the Presidency.

Paulo Okamotto, former president of Sebrae and Lula’s ally, will be president of the Perseu Abramo Foundation in place of Aloizio Mercadante, who heads the BNDES.

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