Lydia Lozano suffers a fall at home and the radio breaks

by time news

The collaborator of ‘Sálvame’ Lydia Lozano / Telecinco

The collaborator fell to the ground after losing her balance when she was putting on a boot


Black week for the collaborators of ‘Sálvame’. If last Monday it was Belén Esteban who suffered an accident on set for which she broke her tibia and fibula, this Friday Lydia Lozano has fractured her radius after falling at her home.

«Lydia Lozano has suffered a fall at home and we can tell you that she has had to go to the hospital. The diagnosis that she has given in the hospital is that the radius has broken », informed Terelu Campos.

Apparently, the collaborator’s fall occurred by chance when she was putting on a boot and fell to the ground after losing her balance.

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