Madagascar remains a bad student in this area

by time news

2023-12-09 05:00:00

“Unite the world against corruption”. This is the theme of the International Anti-Corruption Day 2023 (IILCC) celebrated this December 9 across the world and which also coincides with the celebration of 20 years of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), the first and the only legally binding global anti-corruption instrument.

Madagascar is among the first countries to sign the UNCAC on December 10, 2003, and to ratify it on September 22, 2004. Over the past 20 years, the Malagasy government has worked to meet its anti-corruption obligations under the convention and benefited from the advantages of this international cooperation. But clearly, the fight against corruption in the country is still far from won and the tasks are still heavy although all the bodies necessary to intensify the fight are already in place.

The corruption perception index in Madagascar does not change if we refer to last year’s figures. In a related publication, Transparency International Initiative Madagascar (TI-IM) published that Madagascar was ranked 142nd out of 180 last year with an unchanging score of 26/100 as in 2021. Recently, this body denounced this which she calls “Triumph of corruption, money and complacency over democracy” to describe President Rajoelina’s victory in the November 16 presidential election. Indeed, corruption extends in several areas, particularly in politics in the country.

Statistics from the Independent Anti-Corruption Office (BIANCO) from August to October this year also reveal that 694 grievances were received. 217 people were arrested and 36 placed under arrest warrant, in other words in pre-trial detention. On the side of the Agency for the Recovery of Illicit Assets (ARAI), it was declared that for this year more than 6 billion ariary of money and bank accounts were frozen and a total of 206 vehicles seized due to facts related to corruption. [l’Agencederecouvrementdesavoirsillicites(ARAI)ilaétédéclaréquepourcetteannéeplusde6milliardsd’ariaryd’argentetdecomptesbancairesontétégelésetuntotalde206véhiculessaisisàcausedesfaitsliésàlacorruption

Many reasons can be put forward to explain this situation of growing corruption in the country, but it is undeniable that the example comes in particular from above. The arrest of the President of the Republic’s chief of staff, Romy Voos, in London for a major corruption case suggests that the regime in place is a poor student in the fight against corruption. Especially since it was under the regime of Andry Rajoelina that a Minister of Justice was forced to leave his post for another corruption affair.

#Madagascar #remains #bad #student #area

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