Madhukar Gawli of Nashik is earning crores from nursery business.

by time news

2024-02-20 11:42:15

You all have met the 12th failed officer, now meet the 10th pass nursery king, who is earning crores by selling saplings today.

It is said that the true lesson of life comes from experience and 10th pass nursery king ‘Madhukar Gawli’ is proving this. Madhukar from Nashik may not have studied much but due to his hard work and dedication to learning, today he is running a modern nursery with new technology. Today, they are not only providing employment to hundreds of people through their business but are also earning a turnover of crores. Madhukar, the son of a poor farmer, has achieved this success solely on the strength of his passion.

When Madhukar used to do farming with his father, he wanted to do something else along with farming. I had a dream to do something big but did not have much resources. His father did not even have much land. Initially he started making raisins from the grapes of Nashik. But grapes for making raisins were available only for four months, so Madhukar came to know that nearby farmers waste a lot of their time in preparing the plants themselves. From this problem he got a great business idea. And without any delay, he started ‘Om Gayatri Nursery’ in just 2 Gunthas(0.05 Acre) space.

In which he started making saplings of the plant and distributing them to the farmer brothers. Along with this, he also started spreading awareness among the farmer brothers that whenever they buy plants from nurseries, how much time is saved and they get good plants. Not only this, he himself started contacting different nurseries in the country and abroad and started taking training from them. In that period of the year 2008, he started preparing many varieties of Indian and foreign vegetables for the farmers. And because of this he became famous all over Nashik.

In this way, with the help of hard work, with time, he started delivering saplings not only to the farmers of Maharashtra but also to four other states. Today 200 to 250 people work in his nursery throughout the year. Not only this, last year he also earned a turnover of Rs 20 crore.

Madhukar believes that if hard work is done with dedication then even a small start can become a big business. Be it farming or animal husbandry.

Also read- Housewife is earning lakhs by growing fruits on barren land, has also given employment to many

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