Madrid is where more electric cars are sold, and Barcelona where there are more recharging points

by time news

J. Bacorelle




Today, traveling 100 kilometers with a gasoline car costs about 13 euros, while with an electric car only 1.95 euros. This saving is probably one of the fundamental axes that lead the population to opt for the purchase of this type of vehicle.

According to the Sustainable Mobility Barometer prepared by emovili, 5,817 electric or hybrid vehicles have been registered in the Community of Madrid so far this year, positioning this autonomous community as the first in the country with the most registrations in 2022. It is a upward trend: a total of 14,737 electric or hybrid vehicles have been registered in Spain so far this year, 40% of them in the Community of Madrid, followed by Catalonia with 1,349 and the Valencian Community with 441.

However, there is a great lack of public charging points. In Spain there are a total of 11,517 public access recharging points distributed throughout the territory. The list by Autonomous Community is headed by Catalonia with 3,282 charging points, followed by the Community of Madrid with 1,408 and the Community of Valencia on par with 1,405. Andalusia is in fourth place with 999 points.

Among all the registrations there are some vehicle brands that stand out from the rest. This is the case of Mercedes Benz, which has registered 1,333 electric cars, the second place on the list is occupied by the South Korean brand KIA with 1,108 registrations and the podium is closed by Peugeot with 922. Tesla has managed to get 468 new cars of its brand circulating through the Spanish cities.

According to Francisco Casas, CEO of emovili: «Electric and hybrid cars are the future of transport. It is an encouraging reality, but it also brings with it challenges, among which is the installation of recharging points. As our Barometer reflects, more and more people are opting for these vehicles and we need to ensure that they do not add additional weight to users. For all of the above, at emovili we continue to work to facilitate the installation of recharging points both in homes and businesses and to develop new solutions and innovate in sustainable mobility, making it inclusive and accessible to all.”

Recent data reveals that, despite the great reception of hybrid or electric vehicles in the country, Spain is among the last places in number of recharging points with only 245 per million inhabitants. In Europe there are 224,237 public charging points, of which only 5% are in Spain (11,517).

A minimum network of 70,000 public access charging points is needed in the country by 2023, since the National Energy and Climate Plan forecasts that this year there will be approximately 250,000 electric vehicles in Spain. A figure that will continue to rise due to the growing awareness of the population: it is expected that by 2030 5 million electric or hybrid vehicles will circulate in Spain, which will require approximately 3 million charging points, according to the International Energy Agency.

The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge considers high-capacity recharging points to be essential for opening more ultra-fast recharging stations on Spanish highways. However, right now, there are only 92 points with at least 250 kW. In Spain, only 9.3% of the points allow a recharge of 50 kW. Madrid has the most with 16 of 250 kW, followed by Catalonia with 12 and the Basque Country and Andalusia with 10 points of this type each.

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