Maduro and president of Guyana will have another meeting in Brazil

by time news

2023-12-15 13:59:32

iG Montage / Images: Public Photos and Freddie Everett/ Public Domain

President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro and President of Guyana, Irfaan Ali

Following the meeting in San Vicente and the Grenadines, the presidents of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, and Guyana, Irfaan Ali, agreed to hold the next meeting on the Essequibo, a disputed area, in Brazil, within three months.

The initial meeting helped to reduce tension over the 130,000 square meter territory, rich in natural resources. Although the disagreement was not completely resolved, it was agreed that there would be no threats or use of force between the countries.

The divergence will be dealt with in accordance with the 1966 Geneva Agreement, but Guyana is committed to the alignments of the International Court of Justice, while Venezuela does not recognize its jurisdiction in the territorial issue.

A joint commission of Foreign Ministers from both countries will be immediately established to address specific issues, with updates within three months for Ali and Maduro.

To avoid incidents, it was agreed that in case of disputes, countries will immediately communicate to Brazil, the Caribbean Community (Caricom) and Celac.

The meeting in San Vicente involved a series of stages, with the mediation of Celso Amorim, special advisor to Lula da Silva, and the presence of Ralph Gonsalves, local prime minister and president pro-tempore of Celac, as well as Roosevelt Skerrit, president of Dominica and Caricom.

There he appeared with a bracelet displaying the full map of Guyana, emphasizing the country’s peaceful stance, while Maduro expressed his commitment to peace in the region.

Brazil plays an essential role in the conflict, being the only country that borders both. The Brazilian government sent military personnel to Roraima and plans to send armored vehicles for possible operations in the area, acting against illegal mining, but ready for a possible escalation in the conflict.

#Maduro #president #Guyana #meeting #Brazil

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