Magnetic Storm: The phenomenon that can disable navigation apps

by time news

A solar storm that is currently damaging the Earth’s magnetic field could have serious consequences for a number of critical systems, including the GPS system and the Internet, but also for unusual phenomena such as the Northern Lights in more than southern regions.

A magnetic storm that has hit Earth these days could disrupt satellites as well as devices that receive radio and GPS signals. The storm, also known as geomagnetic, is actually a change in solar activity that causes a disturbance in the Earth’s magnetic field.

According to the N12 report, this phenomenon occurs as the sun approaches its solar cycle. This is a period of about 11 years during which there is a change in the activity of the sun measured by the changes in the number and size of the spots that appear on it.

The storm is also causing rare and beautiful spectacles of polar glow, which have been observed in recent days in the northern U.S. and Canada. Such sightings are also expected in the coming days in northern Michigan and Maine. And next Friday. The director emphasizes that the storm could also affect the activity of the migratory birds.

Sebastian Waltmar, a photographer who specializes in documenting events of this kind, said: “The last time this happened, 40 Spacex satellites just went up in flames and Elon Musk, the company’s owner, lost a huge fortune.”

The spots observed on the surface of the sun are dark areas where it is colder than in other areas. The same “magnetic storms” are formed among the spots on the surface of the sun. The larger and more numerous, the stronger the disturbances. The expected disruptions these days in parts of the Earth’s manga field are a result of the sun approaching the completion of its solar cycle, which ends once every 11 years – and is expected to peak in 2024.

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