Majority in favor of gambling advertising ban

by time news

2023-04-24 09:22:20

EA majority of people in Germany want to ban advertising for games of chance and lotteries in general. This is the result of a representative survey commissioned by the Federal Government’s addiction and drug commissioner, Burkhard Blienert (SPD). According to the editorial network Germany, excerpts are available in advance.

Accordingly, 57 percent of those questioned support a general advertising ban; 66 percent are of the opinion that sponsorship by sports betting providers should be prohibited in football. Seventy percent would like at least further advertising restrictions for sports betting on television and the Internet. Blienert wants to present further results of the survey this Monday in Berlin.

Blienert said advertising for gambling, alcohol and tobacco is viewed much more critically today than it was 10 or 15 years ago. A lot has changed in the attitude of the population: “It is all the more important that we finally have a serious debate in politics about how much advertising we can and want to afford for alcohol, tobacco and gambling.”

The advertising for such products carries a high risk, added the SPD politician. “Advertising for alcohol, tobacco and gambling has a significant impact on the number of people who experience problems with these offers.”

#Majority #favor #gambling #advertising #ban

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