Malappuram Muslim League: BJP’s Ram Temple Dedication Ceremony Turned into Political Issue

by time news

2023-12-29 09:03:30
The Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) has accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of turning the Ram Temple dedication ceremony in Ayodhya into a political issue. The party, which has not yet confirmed whether it will participate in the function, has stated that it is standing with the believers in the matter.

Speaking after the political affairs committee meeting, PK Kunhalikutty, a prominent leader of IUML, expressed disagreement with the event being turned into a political affair. He emphasized that the party is not against faith or worship, but it is the BJP who is trying to use the inauguration for political gain ahead of the parliamentary elections.

Another leader, Sadiqali Thangal, also echoed the sentiment, stating that there was no need to make the issue controversial and that the BJP is using it for political purposes. He further emphasized that the IUML stands with the believers in this matter.

Regarding the participation of the Congress in the ceremony, it has been reported that the main leaders who have been invited will not attend. The party’s High Command has instructed not to make a public statement on the matter, indicating that a final decision on the participation is yet to be reached.

The IUML’s stance on the Ram Temple dedication ceremony reflects the growing concerns over the politicization of religious events by political parties in the country. With the BJP being accused of using the event for political gain and other parties debating their participation, the issue appears to have become a matter of contention in the run-up to the upcoming elections.
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