Malka – healing touch

by time news

From Facebook


“Dear Mellie, I just wanted to say a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I remember the first time we met and I told you that I suffer from severe fibromyalgia, that I have all the symptoms and symptoms that only exist. That I have been living in suffering for almost two years and you told me that “it’s all in my head” I was angry!!!!
I did not believe that it was indeed possible to be cured. When I came to you for treatment for the first time, I was completely surprised by the sense of relief I felt.
Your treatment is not a massage, your treatment is a healing treatment!!! It is a treatment in which one must be attentive to the body and soul and give it the time to heal.
You literally “take away” the pain from the body and in part of the conversations you teach how you don’t actually live with a disease anymore, how with the help of proper treatment with your instructions and my understanding and applications, it does not define, does not manage me and for me no longer exists.
You’ve been taking care of me for almost six months and it’s the best thing that happened to me in my life.
Everyone around my husband, children, friends and family say that I even look different…
So a huge thank you for appearing in my life and for being a full partner in the healing journey I embarked on.”

“So I’ll start by saying that you are a really special woman with the ability to touch people. You managed to touch me with your softness and sharpness. I make a really good and strengthening way with you. I come back from you full of good energies and my motivation rises along with the good thoughts I think about myself. So a huge thank you And a big hug when it comes, then it comes, you do it with all your heart and I feel that. So I return to my tasks for today, which are to remind and praise myself for who I am.”

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