‘Mameli’ wins in TV ratings, it’s a record for Fiorello

by time news

2024-02-13 10:11:20

The first episode of the Rai1 drama ‘Mameli – The Boy Who Dreamed of Italy’ was the most watched program of Monday’s prime time, with 4,247,000 viewers and a 23.5% share. In second place, ‘Big Brother’ on Canale 5, with 2,407,000 viewers and an 18.3% share. Third place for ‘Fast & Furious 5’ on Italia1, with 953,000 spectators and a 5.5% share.

Following, among other prime time ratings: ‘La Torre di Babele’ on La7 (932,000 viewers, 4.6% share), ‘FarWest’ on Rai3 (784,000 viewers, 4.7% share), ‘Mad in Italy’ on Rai2 ( 655,000 spectators, share 3.7%), ‘Quarta Repubblica’ on Rete4 (652,000 spectators, share 4.4%), ‘4 Hotel’ on Tv8 (537,000 spectators, share 2.7%), ‘Little Big Italy’ on Nove (492,000 spectators, share 2.5%).

Sanremo effect on ‘Viva Rai2’ (which also hosted the winner of the Festival, Angelina Mango): Fiorello’s morning show marks the share record since the start of the season, with 21.7%, and obtains 1,085,000 spectators.

Even in access prime time, both ‘Cinque Minuti’ by Bruno Vespa, which hosted Amadeus and recorded 5,351,000 spectators with 24.8% share, and ‘Affari Tuoi’ (where Amadeus hosted Mango) with 5,869, started off with a bang. 000 spectators and 26.6% share.

#Mameli #wins #ratings #record #Fiorello

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