Man appointed as 2nd in the militia hierarchy is arrested while sleeping at home in Rio – News

by time news

A man appointed as 2nd in the hierarchy of a militia in the west zone of Rio, which has been promoting clashes in the region, was arrested by the police.

Matheus da Conceição dos Santos, 25 years old, known as Caveirinha, was found while sleeping in a residence inside the community of Chacrinha, in Jacarepaguá, last Friday (31).

According to the investigation, Caveirinha is a member of the group headed by Playboy de Curicica, who is in prison and is one of those responsible for the armed confrontation in the Gardênia Azul region.

Deputy Rodrigo Coelho, responsible for the arrest, said that the suspect was responsible for guarding the militia weapons.

Caveirinha was taken to the DRE (Delegation for the Repression of Narcotics) and charged with illegal possession of a firearm for restricted use and armed militia.

Investigations pointed out that he already had passages for reception and robbery.

In the action, the Civil Police also seized a rifle, an explosive device, a tactical vest, camouflage clothing for the forest region, a radio communicator and a laptop, in addition to chargers and ammunition.

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