Man tries to propose boat ring falls in water

by time news

Especially, the videos related to romantic proposal will get a lot of attention from netizens.

When we express our love to a person we love, we try to say it in a way that can stand in our mind whenever we think of it as a surprise. Even if the effort goes well, there is a chance that the other side will have some trouble.

In that way, a video related to the incident that happened when a teenager from Florida tried to express his love to his girlfriend is now going viral on the internet.

In a video shared by a man named Scott Clyne, he is on a boat with his girlfriend, Suzie Tucker. Then Scott tries to stand on the ship like in the movie Titanic, take the ring box from his pocket and kneel down to express his love. But the ring box in his hand slipped and fell into the water, and Scott jumped into the water without even thinking for a second.

Not only that, he also successfully dived into the water and took out his ring box. Scott is said to have expressed his love again with the ring, only to have his girlfriend laugh at this. His girlfriend Suzy accepted Scott’s love by taking the risk of drowning a ring box that had fallen into the water.

man tries to propose boat ring falls in water

The unexpected incident when the teenager tried to express his love and what the teenager did after that has become a big topic of conversation among the netizens.

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