“Mancini as a coach is even greater”

by time news

Italy’s victory at the European football championships thrills Sandro Mazzola. “I have a bit of a lump in my throat, they were good, very good. Inside this national team there is something, they have been good in head and foot. Having seen the previous matches I thought they would make it, it seemed to me that they had something more than the others, “he said by telephone from Adnkronos.

“Even if I always predict victory when there is Italy or Inte”, smiles the former Italian champion and manager of Inter. Who does not skimp on enthusiastic comments on the coach of the Azzurri, Roberto Mancini. I was in love with the player Mancio, and the coach Mancio is even better. He knows how to connect players, he knows how to put the right things in his head. I liked him so much as a player that I tried to bring him to Inter when I was a manager, but I never succeeded “, reveals Mazzola.

The favorite player of this national team is “difficult to choose, but after tonight certainly Donnarumma”, admits the former champion. Who also addresses the 2022 World Cup. “We have good Italian players and we can make an excellent national team at the World Cup too, and play for them. Now, however, let’s enjoy this moment”, he concludes.

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