María Corina Machado talks about the release of prisoners by Saab: ‘There is a long way to go’ – Venezuela – International

by time news

2023-12-21 18:38:06

The presidential candidate of the main opposition coalition in Venezuela, María Corina Machado, assured this Thursday that there is still “a long way to go” for the release of the detainees who are considered political prisoners, after thirty people were released from prison on Wednesday, among them 10 Americans, in exchange for the release of Álex Saab, who was imprisoned in Miami.

(Also read: The hug between Alex Saab and Nicolás Maduro: ‘I thought you were going to forget me there’)

In this regard, the former deputy said in a statement that “although it represents progress, there is still a long way to go,” since “hundreds of civilians, military personnel and police officials remain illegally held captive, some for more than 20 years,” with whose freedom -he stated- she is “committed.”

The Government of Nicolás Maduro, after negotiations with the Administration of Joe Biden, released more than 30 people on Wednesday in exchange for the freedom of one of his closest collaborators, the Colombian businessman Alex Saab, who was imprisoned in Miami, accused of conspiracy to launder money.

However, Machado said that, in Venezuela, “every time some citizens are released, others become victims of a perverse machinery of repression.” “Some hostages are released only so that others can take their place,” said the opposition leader, who called for “conquering” the “freedom” of the country “so that there are no political hostages.”

The release of these “political prisoners”, he continued, was an “episode within” a “route under construction” towards “free and fair” presidential elections, to which “the regime” – in reference to the Venezuelan Government – “still “He resists because he knows he is lost.”

Machado swept the opposition primaries on October 22, when she received 92.35% of the votes, making her the candidate of the Unitary Democratic Platform (PUD) for the presidential elections, scheduled for the second half of next year. year, in which she hopes to participate, but, for this, it is necessary that the disqualification that weighs on her and that prevents her from holding elected positions until 2030 be lifted.

The Supreme Court, to which Machado went last Friday to present his case, regarding the disqualification review process agreed between the Government and the PUD, announced this Wednesday that it has given the Comptroller General’s Office three days to present the documentation that justifies the 15-year sanction imposed on the former deputy, who claims to have not been notified of this measure.


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