Marine Le Pen responds to Emmanuel Macron who denounced his “racist” project, Christiane Taubira will vote Jean-Luc Mélenchon… Political news of the day

by time news

Le World keeps the synopsis of the 2022 presidential election campaign: a daily update is published every evening at 7 p.m., which reviews the political events of the past day and discusses upcoming meetings.

The news of the day. And suddenly, the election campaign began

The last lights of the official campaign before the first round, which ends tonight, are fireworks. After Emmanuel Macron’s remarks, yesterday in The Parisianqualifying as “racist” and one “great brutality” the program of Marine Le Pen, the candidate of the National Rally (RN) counter-attacked, on Franceinfo. “Outrageous and aggressive remarks”she denounced, arguing that nothing in her program “Discriminates against the French” – even if it proposed, yesterday, to sanction with a fine the wearing of the veil in public space.

On the other hand, the RN candidate stressed her desire for a « discrimination » between the French and foreigners, “the only moral, legal and admissible”, according to her. Be there “national preference” that it has been promoting for a long time, planning to give priority to the French, in particular for employment and social housing. Way to return, in the last hours, to its classics – immigration and identity – after having posed for weeks as a candidate for purchasing power.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Marine Le Pen, fundamentally far-right

The Head of State continued to defend his pension reform and the raising of the legal retirement age to 65. “I seek to be fair and efficient”he said, Friday on RTL, because “If we don’t produce more, we can’t finance our social model”. Without this reform, “you can’t do [les pensions] at 1,100 euros, he added. And morale is good, he said in a tasty ” the same time “ : “I’ve never been overconfident, nor am I nervous. »

On the left, it moves too. Christiane Taubira came out of the reserve she had affected since the withdrawal of her candidacy in early March, announcing that she would vote for Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the first round. She thereby raised a false suspense, but her announcement consolidates the posture of “effective voting” adopted by the candidate of La France insoumise.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The rebirth of candidate Mélenchon

Guest of RMC and BFM-TV, he also avoided upsetting environmental and socialist sympathizers who could help him create a surprise on Sunday. Subjected to recurring attacks from Yannick Jadot and Anne Hidalgo, the candidate refused to answer them – even if, he said, “I have an itchy tongue” – because the time is over “to mobilize” what to “throwing stones at us”.

As for Valérie Pécresse, after her meeting yesterday in Lyon with the strange appearance of early farewells, she did not even want to influence the second round, declaring, on France Inter, that, in the event of a Le Pen-Macron duel , she would make her personal preference known without setting it up as a voting instruction. “Wise decision”rejoiced the candidate of the RN, who greeted a “change in case law” to the right. The game was open, the game remains open.

drawing of the week

Aurel for

Every Friday, the cartoonist Aurel gives us his view of the presidential campaign. This week, he returns to the risk of abstention in the first round, especially among young people.

In fact, the projections are not reassuring, according to the survey carried out by Ipsos-Sopra Steria in partnership with the Sciences Po Political Research Center (Cevipof) and the Jean-Jaurès Foundation for The world, and the presidential election mobilizes less than in 2017. In our panel of just under 13,000 people, 80% say they are certain or almost certain to vote, five points less than five years ago. However, the previous presidential election had already been marked by high abstention (22.2%).

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Abstention in the presidential election: towards a “2002 syndrome”?

In detail, according to this study, it is above all workers, employees, young people and the least qualified who are most likely to be abstainers on April 10. Regarding more specifically the age groups, 60% of 18-24 year olds and 55% of 25-34 year olds say they are certain to vote, when they are 77% between 60 and 69 years old and more than 80% for the 70 years and older.

sentence of the day

“If it’s disgusting, we change the law”
Fabien Roussel

On France 2, Friday morning, the communist candidate opposed Emmanuel Macron over the controversy over consulting firms. He attacked in particular the tax optimization practices of the American McKinsey. “The president says it’s disgusting, but it’s the law. Well, if it’s disgusting, we change the law,” he thundered.

On March 23, on M6, the Head of State said he was shocked by McKinsey’s tax practices, while specifying that the group “has used the rules in force”. “The tax administration will look; if he has defrauded, he will pay them [ses impôts]. If he did not defraud, but used tax optimization schemes, he will not pay them, and you will not go looking for them, because it is the law”, he had said.

Read also: McKinsey and Macron: the true and the false on the controversy

In the archives of Le Monde: in April 2002, 43% undecided

On April 8, 2002, The world say thank you to the internet. Thanks to this brand new tool, the Novatris institute was able to survey the voting intentions of some 5,000 registered voters. Our journalist Gérard Courtois devotes an article to the large fraction of them (43%) who are still undecided, before the first round scheduled for April 21.

According to the survey, the undecided is often undecided, rather young, from the working classes and living in the city. Above all, his hesitation stems largely from his mistrust of politics. Many say they don’t have “more confidence” and denounce “Happy promises, broken promises”. The undecided are also put off by “the impression that there is no alternative to the Chirac-Jospin duel”.

All the boxes for uncertainty are checked, including that for “record dispersion of applications”. They are sixteen on the starting line. At the bottom of the page, a small instructive graph tells us that the undecided hesitate above all between Jacques Chirac and Lionel Jospin, of course, but that they are also thinking, a little, of Christiane Taubira – whom part of the left will then accuse of having taken votes from the Socialist Prime Minister. Jean-Marie Le Pen, he is still hidden in the soft belly, between Corinne Lepage and Alain Madelin. Two weeks later, the extreme right will access the second round with a bang.

In short

The French in Shanghai will not be able to vote. Expatriates residing in China’s largest city will not be able to vote on Sunday due to strict confinement, the French embassy confirmed on Friday. Shanghai is facing the worst wave of Covid-19 in China since the start of the pandemic. The embassy specifies that it was unable to obtain an exemption for French voters, despite “repeated steps”including ” at high level “.

The weekend agenda

Cut! The official campaign for the first round ends on Friday evening. From midnight, and until the announcement of the results, Sunday at 8 p.m., the candidates will no longer be able to campaign, including on social networks. Polling institutes are prohibited from broadcasting opinion polls and the written and audiovisual press from publishing interviews with candidates or their supporters.

Action ! On Sunday, the French electorate votes. The offices will be open from 8 a.m.; decrees can be taken locally, in particular in the big cities, in order to bring forward the opening time or to delay the closing time of the ballot (but in no case will voting be possible after 8 p.m.). Neither the vaccination pass nor a negative Covid-19 screening test is required. Wearing a mask is not compulsory, but the authorities recommend it for people at risk, symptomatic or in contact.

Any dissemination of partial results or an estimate is prohibited until 8 p.m., the time of the official announcement. On the other hand, the intermediate figures for participation will be communicated by the Ministry of the Interior at noon and 5 p.m. The world will follow the day live from 7 a.m. until the end of election night. As usual, you will find information, analyses, reports from our journalists in the field and the answers to your questions.

The world

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