Master’s in Energy and Environment launches student selection notice for the 2024 semester.1

by time news

2023-12-14 17:15:48

The Coordination of the Postgraduate Program in Energy and Environment of the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (PGEA/Unilab) published, this Wednesday (13/12), PGEA Notice No. 02/2023, which governs the selection process for student admission in the 2024 semester.1. The entire selection process, as well as its mandatory documentation, can be checked and followed on the competition page, on the Academic Master’s in Engineering and Environment Portal.

For this selection, 18 vacancies will be offered, 13 of which will be allocated to broad competition, international candidates and TAE, and 5 vacancies will be allocated to affirmative policies, distributed among the Chemical Processes subareas; Instrumentation, Optics and Computing; Rural Development; and Water Resources. The registration period for the selection process will be from December 18, 2023 to January 14, 2024.

Registration and schedule

The link to register can be found on this page. It is important that the candidate is aware of the obligation to attach the following documentation, according to item 3 of the notice:

Registration request form completed and signed by the candidate (Annex I); Declaration of consent from the employer to release at least 20 hours per week during the 24 months of academic activities in the Master’s in Energy and Environment, completed and signed, if the candidate has an employment relationship (Annex II); Declaration of non-exercise of paid activity, completed and signed, if the candidate does not have an employment relationship (Annex III); Curriculum analysis score sheet (Annex IV) filled out digitally by the candidate; Self-declaration for black candidates (Annex V) completed and signed by the candidate opting for vacancies reserved for black people; Together with documents listed in section 6, “DOCUMENTATION FOR REGISTRATION”, of Notice 02/2023, in a single PDF (all documents in the same PDF file). All dates of the selection process, as well as deadlines for appeals and results, can be found in item 8 of PGEA Notice nº 02/2023.

The Master’s in Energy and Environment course aims to qualify future professionals and researchers with skills and abilities related to information, understanding, application, analysis and evaluation applied to the energy sector, capable of systematizing, innovating, proposing policies and optimizing systems transformation and final use of energy within the scope of sustainable development.

Its Area of ​​Concentration is Energy and Environment, and the following lines of research: “Sustainable Processes, Innovation and Technological Diffusion” and “Energy Systems, Rural Development and Water Resources”.

The Program was created on March 29, 2019, with the approval of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – CAPES during its 184th meeting.

For more information, visit the master’s page:

#Masters #Energy #Environment #launches #student #selection #notice #semester.1

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