Mathematical Model Reveals Insights into Genetic Distribution During Bacterial Cell Division

by time news

2023-08-09 15:41:27
Mathematical Model Sheds Light on Genetic Distribution During Bacterial Cell Division

A research team led by Seán Murray from the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology has developed a computer simulation that provides new insights into the distribution of genetic information during bacterial cell division. The findings, which have potential applications in synthetic biology and medicine, were published in a recent study.

When cells divide, it is crucial that the genetic information is precisely divided and reliably inherited. In bacterial cell division, this process is particularly important. To better understand this mechanism, the research team created a mathematical simulation that explains the key steps involved.

The researchers focused on the formation of a large macromolecular complex called the partition complex, which is part of the ParABS system found in many bacteria. The ParB protein is responsible for actively moving the DNA by interacting with the ParA protein, which is attached to the DNA. For the complex to function properly, precise interactions between the protein subunits and the DNA are necessary.

According to the study, the researchers discovered a “sliding and bridging principle” that governs the movement of DNA and ParB dimers. PhD student Lara Connolley, the first author of the study, explained that ParB dimers bind to specific regions called ParS sites on the DNA and then slide along the DNA strand, similar to beads on a chain. The researchers also found that short-lived bridges organize the DNA into hairpin and helical structures, without impeding its movement.

“The bridging interactions between the dimers lead to the bending of DNA and generate a variety of structures. Further exploration of these structural variations may be key to understanding the role of ParB in different biological areas,” said Seán Murray.

The team plans to validate the model predictions through further experiments, and they also hope to study different bacterial species to better understand the diversity in the structure of the division complex.

“Our work provides important insights into how DNA segregation works and its potential application to various bacteria and circular plasmids, which often carry antibiotic resistance genes,” said Seán Murray. “These findings could have implications for both synthetic biology and medical applications.”

The precise division of genetic information during cell division is a fundamental process that affects all life forms. By uncovering the underlying biochemical principles, this research opens up new possibilities for scientific investigation and potential advancements in various fields.]
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