Matteo Piovella reconfirmed president of Soi

by time news

2023-05-29 14:42:19

Matteo Piovella has been confirmed president of Soi, the Italian Ophthalmological Society, for the fourth consecutive term which will expire in December 2026. Voting took place during the last Soi congress which ended in Rome on May 27th.

Piovella’s objectives – reports a note – are to overcome the ‘elective’ type of ophthalmological assistance, therefore not a priority, which prevents access to the resources of the Pnrr; bring into the public system the regular adoption of new technologies which are present today with 4%; extend to all 7,000 ophthalmologists the opportunity to perform sight-saving therapies to contain the spread of blindness from maculopathies, currently provided from a bureaucratic point of view by only 250 ophthalmologists; support and disseminate the extraordinary results of crystalline refractive surgery, an evolution of the classic cataract surgery which today allows the elimination of sight defects; update the organization of eye doctor visits with diagnostic imaging, overcoming the serious criticality of waiting lists without reducing the safety and quality of the interventions by reintegrating the necessary anesthesiological assistance.

Piovella – recalls the note – holds the position of treasurer of the IMF (Italian Federation of medical and scientific societies), making all the experience accumulated in 27 years of intense work available to the adhering medical and scientific societies. President of Asmoi (Italian trade union association of ophthalmologists), he leads the ‘Insieme per la vista’ Foundation which protects patients at risk of loss of sight by supporting their right of access to sight-saving treatments. The role of vice president of Iapb Italy, the International Agency for the prevention of blindness, allowed him to interact with the WHO and take up the challenge aimed at limiting the increase in blind people globally and specifically in Italy. The international activity as key opinion leader of reference has allowed the anesthesiological revolution in ophthalmic surgery and to develop refractive surgery of the crystalline lens in Italy, outlining the reference guidelines for the benefit of the countries that make the most advanced ophthalmological treatments available. Technical-scientific consultant of Ema, Nice, Ethics Committee Aao, he is recognized as the leading expert for overcoming blindness from maculopathy, a circulatory disease of the retina, which in Italy alone has levels of diffusion in 2 million people.

#Matteo #Piovella #reconfirmed #president #Soi

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