Matvienko proposed to include psychiatric rehabilitation after COVID-19 in the compulsory medical insurance system

by time news

Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko believes that it is necessary to include psychiatric rehabilitation for those who have recovered from coronavirus in the system of compulsory medical insurance. Ms. Matvienko instructed the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, together with the Ministry of Health and the Serbsky Center for Psychiatry and Narcology, to consider this issue.

“Psychiatric rehabilitation should be included (into the compulsory medical insurance system) in the same way as other types of post-COVID rehabilitation,” Ms. Matviyenko said at a meeting of the Federation Council. In her opinion, mental health is just as important as physical health.

According to Vice Speaker of the Federation Council Yuri Vorobyov, due to the fact that psychological assistance as rehabilitation after a virus infection is not included in the compulsory medical insurance system, many people are afraid to register in psychiatric hospitals.

According to Vyacheslav Filashikhin, chief physician of the Rosa Center for Psychiatry, Neurology and Narcology, the virus is indeed capable of damaging cells, thereby disrupting the functioning of the brain, which leads to changes in the psyche.

As Kommersant found out, during the coronavirus pandemic in Russia, the number of citizens with anxiety and depressive disorders has increased – in different regions of Russia from 10% to 30%. Russians complain about the fear of getting sick, panic attacks and suicidal thoughts associated with the fear of complications.

Why the consequences of coronavirus are increasingly worrying experts – in the material “Kommersant” “After apocovidus”.

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