Maulana Hazrat Rabi Hosni Nadvi was a valuable asset of the entire Ummah ⋆ Dawat News

by time news

Amir Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Syed Saadatullah Hussaini expressed his condolences on the death of Hazrat Maulana Rabi Hosni Nadvi

New Delhi, April 14

The death of Maulana Rabi Hosni Nadvi, President of All India Muslim Personal Law Board and Naim of Nidwa Ulama, has not only caused a wave of grief in the academic circles of the country but also in the world and people are expressing their condolences. Maulana Rabi Hosni Nadvi The Amir of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind has also expressed his condolences. The Amir of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Syed Saadatullah Hussaini said in his condolence message that the sad news of the death of Maulana Rabi Hosni is very sad for all of us and for me. And it is a cause of grief. To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return. He said that Maulana had been ill for some time and news of his illness was being received continuously. There were continuous prayers for Maulana’s health and the extension of his shadow, but we are all helpless before the will of Allah Ta’ala and His decisions.

Maulana Rabe Hasani Nadvi

In a statement released to the media, he said that “Maulana Hazrat Rabi Hosni Nadvi was a valuable asset of the entire Ummah. He was the moderator of Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama, the country’s most important academic institution for a long time. He was the head of several academic institutions and the president of the academic councils. As the president of India’s prestigious joint platform All India Muslim Personal Law Board, he was also performing the duty of leadership and leadership at this critical juncture. The invaluable services of Maulana in all these diverse fields of leadership will always be remembered. His activity in religious and social works was enviable despite his old age and numerous physical ailments. Undoubtedly, the death of Maulana is a great loss to the Muslim Ummah of India. At this critical juncture, when the Islamic nation of India is surrounded by quadripartite problems and challenges, Maulana’s separation is a great tragedy. May Allah bestow Noam-ul-Badl with His special grace.”

Respected Amir Jamaat said that “I had many short and long meetings with Maulana, but at this time I remember very much the meeting which took place four years ago immediately after my election for the Emirate of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind at Maulana’s residence in Nadwa Ulama.” I was Maulana sat near him with great compassion and talked for a long time and blessed him with valuable advice.

I offer my condolences to the heirs of the deceased, to the trustees of Darul Uloom Nadwa Ulama and to all the relatives of the deceased and I pray that Allah Almighty forgives the deceased, grant him a place in mercy, accept his services to Jalila and Fill the void created by the death of the deceased. Amen”

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