May 9 was relatively peaceful in Latvia / Day

by times news cr

2024-05-11 13:50:30

He informed that according to the latest collected data, in connection with the May 9 “celebrations” in Latvia, a total of 65 protocols of administrative violations were drawn up and 19 persons were detained. In one case, criminal proceedings were initiated against a person who tried to use pyrotechnics, because narcotic substances were found on this person.

In addition, the police also carried out vehicle control, and eight vehicle drivers were detained while intoxicated, the minister informed.

Kozlovski thanked the residents who reported various observed violations. For example, in 12 cases, fireworks, which are not allowed on this day, were reported to the police.

The minister believes that on May 9, the law enforcement authorities have done their job honorably, and the timely dissemination of information in the media about the fact that the glorification of the former Soviet Union and its symbols and the justification of war crimes will not be allowed in Latvia, and that and directly on these dates, law enforcement officers will monitor it more.

Kozlovskis added that the police continue their work in an intensified mode even today.

LETA has already reported that on May 9, two criminal trials were started in Daugavpils and Jelgava for justifying genocide, crimes against peace or war crimes.

On the other hand, when assessing the administrative violations committed, on May 9, persons most often glorified military aggression and war crimes in a public place in various ways and with various objects, including trying to bring flowers to the sites of already dismantled monuments, the State Police informed.

Disobedience to the legal demands of police officers, being in a public place under the influence of alcohol, and most often these violations were committed together with glorification of military aggression, were also found. In some cases, the persons of the administrative violations have already been brought to administrative responsibility at the scene, applying the maximum fine.

There were also various even curious situations. At the end of the working day, in Daugavpils, in Dubrovina Park, the police officers recorded a woman who had arrived with flowers in the color of the Russian flag. The person, noticing that she had attracted the attention of the law enforcement officers, sat down on the pavement and tried to talk to the police officers, complaining of heartache. Meanwhile, her companion started filming the moaning women and what was happening with the camera ready.

The law enforcement officers called medics, who performed a medical examination on her and determined that she was unharmed. The woman was released after issuing an administrative violation decision for glorifying the aggressor in a public place, the State Police stated.

In another case, the law enforcement officers met the violators on the doorstep of the house after leaving a car decorated with the symbols of the USSR. In this case too, the person was brought to justice.

Although several violations were recorded, the police’s observations show that this year, fewer people visited the places of events.

2024-05-11 13:50:30

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